R for Novices: Setup

We will use RStudio for exercises and lessons for this workshop. RStudio is an application (an integrated development environment or IDE) that facilitates the use of R and offers a number of nice additional features.

Workshop Setup

So that everyone starts with the same environment and data, we use and recommend following along with a cloud-based version of RStudio hosted on MyBinder. The drawback with this approach is that your session is not persistent; you will lose your work once you leave. You are also given access to limited computational resources. That’s ok though, we are just learning for now so we don’t need much. You can always come back here to restart if you lose your session. Click the button below to launch a session in a new browser tab.


Local Install

You can also install R and RStudio on your computer. This allows you to save your work and perform more memory-intensive calculations.

The latest version of R can be downloaded here.

RStudio can be downloaded here. You will need the free Desktop version for your computer.