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ATLAS Computing Environment

Software for the ATLAS experiment is available on our clusters via CVMFS. The ATLAS user interface can be set up by adding these lines to your .bashrc file:

export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/
alias setupATLAS='source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/'

Then simply running setupATLAS -h will show all the options available:

[testuser@login2.grace ~]$ setupATLAS -h

Usage: [options]
       or setupATLAS [options]

    This sets up the ATLAS environment for a cluster user

    You need to set the environment variable ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE first.

    Options (to override defaults) are:
     -3                           Use python3 in tools (if available)
     -2               Use python/python2 in tools (if available)
     -h  --help                   Print this help message
     -q  --quiet                  Print no output
     -p  --noLocalPostSetup       Skip running local/site post-setup script
     -r  --relocateCvmfs          Use relocated cvmfs
     -t  --test=STRING            Comma delimited strings for dev/test flags
     -c  --container=name         setupATLAS in a container
                                   Type setupATLAS -c -h for help

Comma delimited arguments to -t/--test option are:
 cmtSL6-dev Use dev version of cmtSL6
 devatlr    Use CERN FRONTIER servlet for developers
 postRel-dev    Uses a dev version of the post release setup for ATLAS releases
 tokens     Use tokens for validation instead of X509 (where available)
We recommend referring to the ATLAS Canada TWiki for more information and detailed start-up guides.

Last update: March 19, 2024