Bouchet Getting Started
The Bouchet HPC cluster is YCRC's first installation at Massachusetts High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC).
Bouchet is the planned successor to both Grace and McCleary, with the majority of HPC infrastructure refreshes and growth deployed at MGHPCC going forward.
The first installations of nodes, approximately 4,000 direct-liquid-cooled cores, are dedicated to tightly coupled parallel workflows like those using MPI
A second set of nodes will be installed in early 2025 aimed at general purpose workflows, including GPU-accelerated work.
Compared to the existing mpi
partition Bouchet provides several key improvements:
- Bouchet MPI nodes are 64-core Emerald Rapids Platinum 8562Y+ nodes, which are several generations newer compared to current Skylake 6136 nodes
- Each compute node in Bouchet has 487GiB of usable RAM, significantly more than the 88GiB/node currently available
- The installed software packages in Bouchet are compiled specifically for the Emerald Rapids architecture to provide optimal performance
Access the Cluster
Access to the Bouchet can be requested via the Account Request From. Currently, we are explicitly and exclusively seeking tightly coupled, parallel workloads.
Once you have an account, the cluster can be accessed via ssh. You can log in with the command:
Open OnDemand for Bouchet will be available in the future. Additionally, the implementation of certain utility commands that are available on other clusters is still in progress.
Key Differences from Other Clusters
Primary Group
On non-Bouchet clusters, your PI name is the primary group of your account.
On Bouchet, your primary group is your NetID, and secondary groups are assigned for any PI group you belong to.
This setup makes the process of group change easier and can also accommodate
"project"-based secondary groups rather than PI-based secondary groups.
PI groups on Bouchet take the form pi_<netid of the pi>
, instead of <lastname of pi>
to avoid collisions and confusion between PIs who share a lastname.
Files created in PI-owned project and scratch directories will inherit the correct PI group-ownership.
However, be careful about copying existing files from $HOME
to project spaces, as those files may need to have their group ownership updated.
Currently, devel
and mpi
partitions are available.
For detailed information about job limits and available compute nodes in each
partition, please refer to our Bouchet partition documentation.
Please use devel
partition for code development, debugging, and compilation.
Jobs submitted to mpi
partitions need to request at least two nodes and are allocated full nodes.
Bouchet's filesystem, Roberts, is an all-flash storage system from VAST data and does not have a GPFS filesystem.
hosts Bouchet's home, project, and scratch directories.
Your project and scratch storage usage and quota are shared with the members of the associated secondary group.
Storage | Root Directory | Quota | File Count |
home | /nfs/roberts/home |
125GiB/user | 500,000 |
project | /nfs/roberts/project |
4TiB/group | 5,000,000 |
scratch | /nfs/roberts/scratch |
10TiB/group | 15,000,000 |
Transfer data from other clusters
To transfer data from other clusters to Bouchet, we encourage using rsync
is a commonly used command-line tool for remote transfers between two systems.
Globus is not yet available on Bouchet.
Before getting started with the transfer with rsync
, we first need to enable access to Bouchet from other clusters.
Please run the following command on Bouchet:
cat ~/.ssh/
and copy and paste the output to our SSH key uploader. The propagation of this public key to other clusters can take a few minutes.
To initiate the transfer from Bouchet cluster, log into the transfer
node via ssh:
[an492@login1.bouchet ~]$ ssh transfer1
[an492@transfer1.bouchet ~]$
commands on the transfer
We recommend using the following flags with the rsync
rsync -avP /path/to/new/home/for/data
will run transfer in archive
mode, which preserves ownership, permissions, and creation/modification times. Additionally, the -v
will run in verbose
mode where the name of every file is printed out, and -P
displays a progress bar.
As an example, to transfer a directory (named mydata
) from Grace project directory to Bouchet project directory:
rsync -avP /nfs/roberts/project/GROUP/NETID
For rsync
transfers that may take a while, it is best to run the transfer inside a tmux sesseion.
Applications and software
Commonly used software is available as modules, similar to other clusters.
Currently, all software is compiled and installed with the 2022b version of the toolchain on Bouchet, even if the same software version is installed with an older toolchain (e.g. 2020b) on other clusters.
If you would like to compile your own code specifically to the Bouchet MPI compute node architecture, you can request an interactive compute session in the devel
partition of Bouchet.
Because Bouchet does not have a GPFS filesystem, be sure to turn off any GPFS related optimization configuration.
Report Issues
If you discover issues when running your workflow or experience performance issues, feel free to contact us for assistance. Please include the working directory, the commands that were run, the software modules used, and any more information needed to reproduce the issue.