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Recurring Jobs

You can use scrontab to schedule recurring jobs. It uses a syntax similar to crontab, a standard Unix/Linux utility for running programs at specified intervals.

scrontab vs crontab

If you are familiar with crontab, there are some important differences to note:

  • The scheduled times for scrontab indicate when your job is eligible to start. They are not start times like a traditional Cron jobs.
  • Jobs managed with scrontab won't start if an earlier iteration of the same job is still running. Cron will happily run multiple copies of a job at the same time.
  • You have one scrontab file for the entire cluster, unlike crontabs which are stored locally on each computer.

Set Up Your scrontab

Edit Your scrontab

Run scrontab -e to edit your scrontab file. If you prefer to use nano to edit files, run

EDITOR=nano scrontab -e
Lines that start with #SCRON are treated like the beginning of a new batch job, and work like #SBATCH directives for batch jobs. Slurm will ignore #SBATCH directives in scripts you run as scrontab jobs. You can use most common sbatch options just as you would using sbatch on the command line. The first line after your SCRON directives specifies the schedule for your job and the command to run.


All of your scrontab jobs will start with your home directory as the working directory. You can change this with the --chdir slurm option.

Cron syntax

Crontab syntax is specified in five columns, to specify minutes, hours, days of the month, months, and days of the week. Especially at first you may find it easiest to use a helper application to generate your cron date fields, such as crontab-generator or You can also use the short-hand syntax @hourly, @daily, @weekly, @monthly, and @yearly instead of the five separate columns.

What to Run

If you're running a script it must be marked as executable. Jobs handled by scrontab do not run in a full login shell, so if you have customized your .bashrc file you need to add:

source ~/.bashrc
To your script to ensure that your environment is set up correctly.


The command you specify in the scrontab is executed via bash, NOT sbatch. You can list multiple commands separated by ;, and use other shell features, such as redirects. Also, any #SBATCH directives in executed scripts will be ignored. You must use #SCRON in the scrontab file instead.


Your scrontab jobs will appear to have the same JobID every time they run until the next time you edit your scrontab file (they are being requeued). This means that only the most recent job will be logged to the default output file. If you want deeper history, you should redirect output in your scripts to filenames with something more unique in their names, like a date or timestamp, e.g.

python > $(date +"%Y-%m-%d")_myjob_scrontab.out

If you want to see slurm accounting of a job handled by scrontab, for example job 12345 run:

sacct --duplicates --jobs 12345
# or with short options
sacct -Dj 12345


Run a Daily Simulation

This example submits a 6-hour simulation eligible to start every day at 12:00 AM.

#SCRON --time 6:00:00
#SCRON --cpus-per-task 4
#SCRON --name "daily_sim"
#SCRON --chdir /home/netid/project
#SCRON -o my_simulations/%j-out.txt
@daily ./

Run a Weekly Transfer Job

This example submits a transfer script eligible to start every Wednesday at 8:00 PM.

#SCRON --time 1:00:00
#SCRON --partition transfer
#SCRON --chdir /home/netid/project/to_transfer
#SCRON -o transfer_log_%j.txt
0 20 * * 3 ./

Capture output from each run in a separate file

Normally scrontab will clobber the output file from the previous run on each execution, since each execution uses the same jobid. This can be avoided using a redirect to a date-stamped file.

0 20 * * 3 ./ > myjob_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).out

Last update: April 11, 2022