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Grace is a shared-use resource for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS). It consists of a variety of compute nodes networked over low-latency InfiniBand and mounts several shared filesystems.

The Grace cluster is is named for the computer scientist and United States Navy Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, who received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from Yale in 1934.

Operating System Upgrade

During the August 2023 maintenance, the operating system on Grace was upgraded from Red Hat 7 to Red Hat 8. For more information, see our Grace Operating System Upgrade page.

Access the Cluster

Once you have an account, the cluster can be accessed via ssh or through the Open OnDemand web portal.

System Status and Monitoring

For system status messages and the schedule for upcoming maintenance, please see the system status page. For a current node-level view of job activity, see the cluster monitor page (VPN only).

Installed Applications

A large number of software and applications are installed on our clusters. These are made available to researchers via software modules.

Available Software Modules (click to expand)
Package Versions
ACTC 1.1,1.1
AFNI 23.2.08,2022.1.14,2023.1.01,2023.1.07,24.1.22
ANTLR 2.7.7
ANTs 2.3.5
APR 1.7.0,1.7.5
APR-util 1.6.1,1.6.3
ASE 3.22.1
ATK 2.36.0,2.38.0
Abseil 20230125.2
AdapterRemoval 2.3.2
AlphaFold 2.2.3,2.2.3,2.2.4,2.2.4,2.3.2,2.3.2,3.0.0
AmberTools 23.6
Archive-Zip 1.68,1.68
AreTomo 1.3.4
AreTomo2 1.0.0
AreTomo3 2.0.6beta
Armadillo 10.2.1,11.4.3,11.4.3
Arrow 0.17.1,0.17.1,6.0.0,11.0.0,14.0.1,16.1.0
AuthentiCT 1.0.1
Autoconf 2.69,2.71,2.72
Automake 1.16.2,1.16.5,1.16.5
Autotools 20200321,20220317,20231222
BBMap 38.90
BCFtools 1.11,1.16,1.21
BEDOPS 2.4.41
BEDTools 2.30.0
BGEN-enkre 1.1.7
BLAST 2.2.26
BLAST+ 2.13.0,2.14.1,2.15.0
BLAT 3.5,3.5
BLIS 0.9.0,1.0
BLT 20220626
BWA 0.7.17,0.7.17,0.7.17
BamTools 2.5.1,2.5.1,2.5.2
BaseSpaceCLI 1.5.3
Bazel 3.7.2,5.4.1,6.1.0,6.3.1
Beast 2.6.3,2.6.3,2.6.7,2.7.4,2.7.6
BeautifulSoup 4.11.1
Bio-DB-BigFile 1.07,1.07
Bio-DB-HTS 3.01,3.01
BioPP 2.4.1
BioPerl 1.7.8,1.7.8
Biopython 1.78,1.79,1.81,1.83
Bismark 0.24.0
Bison 3.0.4,3.0.4,3.0.5,3.7.1,3.7.1,3.8.2,3.8.2,3.8.2
Blender 4.0.1,4.2.1
Block 1.5.3
Blosc 1.21.0,1.21.3
Blosc2 2.8.0
Boost 1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.81.0,1.81.0,1.81.0,1.83.0,1.85.0,1.86.0
Boost.MPI 1.81.0,1.81.0
Boost.Python 1.74.0,1.81.0
Boost.Python-NumPy 1.74.0,1.81.0
Bowtie 1.3.0,1.3.0,1.3.1
Brotli 1.0.9,1.0.9
Brunsli 0.1
Bsoft 2.1.4
CCP4 8.0.011,8.0.015
CD-HIT 4.8.1
CDO 2.2.2
CESM 2.1.3,2.1.3
CESM-deps 2,2
CFITSIO 3.48,4.2.0
CGAL 4.14.3,4.14.3,5.2,5.2.4,5.5.2
CMake 3.18.4,3.18.4,3.20.1,3.24.3,3.29.3
COMSOL 5.2a,5.2a
CONN 22a
CP2K 8.1
CPPE 0.3.1
CREST 3.0.1,3.0.2
CTFFIND 4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14
CUDA 10.1.243,11.1.1,11.3.1,11.8.0,12.0.0,12.1.1,12.6.0
CUDAcore 11.1.1,11.3.1
CUnit 2.1
Cartopy 0.20.3,0.22.0
Catch2 2.13.10
Cbc 2.10.5
CellRanger 3.0.2,6.1.2,7.0.0,7.0.1,7.1.0,7.2.0,8.0.1
CellRanger-ARC 2.0.2
Cereal 1.3.2,1.3.2
Cgl 0.60.7
CharLS 2.2.0,2.4.2
CheMPS2 1.8.12
Check 0.15.2,0.15.2
Chimera 1.16
ChimeraX 1.6.1,1.7,1.8
Clang 11.0.1,13.0.1,15.0.5,16.0.4,16.0.4
Clp 1.17.8
Code-Server 4.7.0,4.7.0,4.16.1,4.17.0
CoinUtils 2.11.9
Compress-Raw-Zlib 2.202,2.202
CoordgenLibs 3.0.2
Coot 0.9.7,
CppUnit 1.15.1
Cufflinks 20190706
Cython 0.29.22,3.0.8,3.0.10
Cytoscape 3.9.1
DB 18.1.40,18.1.40
DBD-mysql 4.050,4.050
DB_File 1.855
DBus 1.13.18,1.15.2
DIAMOND 2.0.15,2.1.7
DMTCP 3.0.0,3.0.0
DSSP 4.2.1,4.4.7
Dice 20240101
Doxygen 1.8.20,1.9.5
EDirect 20.4.20230912,20.5.20231006,22.8.20241011
ELPA 2020.11.001,2020.11.001,2021.11.001,2022.05.001
EMAN 1.9
EMAN2 2.91,2.99.47
EMBOSS 6.6.0
ESM-2 2.0.0
ESMF 8.3.0,8.3.0
EasyBuild 4.6.2,4.7.0,4.7.1,4.7.2,4.8.0,4.8.1,4.8.2,4.9.0,4.9.1,4.9.2,4.9.3
Eigen 3.3.8,3.3.9,3.4.0,3.4.0,3.4.0
El-MAVEN 0.12.1beta
Emacs 28.1,28.2
ExifTool 12.58,12.70
Exodus 20240403,20240403
FASTX-Toolkit 0.0.14
FFTW 2.1.5,2.1.5,2.1.5,2.1.5,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10
FFTW.MPI 3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10
FFmpeg 4.3.1,5.1.2
FHI-aims 231212_1
FLAC 1.3.3,1.4.2
FLASH 2.2.00
FLTK 1.3.5,1.3.8
FRE-NCtools 2024.05
FTGL 2.3,2.4.0
Faiss 1.7.4
FastQC 0.11.9,0.12.1
FastUniq 1.1
Fiji 2.14.0,20221201,20230801
Fiona 1.9.2
Flask 2.2.3
FlexiBLAS 3.2.1,3.2.1,3.4.4
FragGeneScan 1.31
FreeImage 3.18.0,3.18.0
FreeSurfer dev,dev,7.3.2,7.4.1
FreeXL 2.0.0
FriBidi 1.0.10,1.0.12
GATK 3.8,,,,,
GCC 10.2.0,12.2.0,13.3.0
GCCcore 7.3.0,10.2.0,12.2.0,13.3.0
GCTA 1.94.1
GConf 3.2.6
GDAL 3.2.1,3.6.2
GDB 10.1,13.2
GDCM 3.0.21
GDRCopy 2.1,2.3,2.3.1,2.4.1
GEOS 3.9.1,3.11.1
GL2PS 1.4.2,1.4.2
GLPK 4.65,5.0
GLib 2.66.1,2.75.0
GLibmm 2.49.7
GMP 6.2.0,6.2.1
GObject-Introspection 1.66.1,1.66.1,1.74.0
GRASS 8.2.0
GROMACS 2021.5,2023.3
GSEA 4.3.2
GSL 2.5,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.7,2.7,2.7
GST-libav 1.18.4,1.22.1
GST-plugins-bad 1.22.5
GST-plugins-base 1.18.4,1.18.4,1.22.1,1.22.1
GST-plugins-good 1.18.4,1.22.1
GStreamer 1.18.4,1.18.4,1.22.1,1.22.1
GTK+ 3.24.23
GTK2 2.24.33
GTK3 3.24.35
GTK4 4.11.3
GTS 0.7.6
Garfield++ 5.0
Gaussian 16,16
Gctf 1.18,1.18
Gdk-Pixbuf 2.40.0,2.40.0,2.42.10
Geant4 10.7.1
Geant4-data 11.3
GenomeTools 1.6.1
Ghostscript 9.53.3,10.0.0
GitPython 3.1.31
Globus-CLI 3.18.0,3.30.1
GnuTLS 3.7.8
Go 1.17.6,1.21.1,1.21.4,1.22.1
Grace 5.1.25
Gradle 8.6
Graphene 1.10.8
GraphicsMagick 1.3.36
Graphviz 2.47.0
Guile 2.2.7,3.0.9,3.0.9
Gurobi 9.1.2,10.0.3
HDF 4.2.15,4.2.15
HDF5 1.10.7,1.10.7,1.10.7,1.10.7,1.14.0,1.14.0,1.14.0,1.14.0
HDFView 3.3.1
HH-suite 3.3.0,3.3.0,3.3.0
HISAT-3N 20221013
HISAT2 2.2.1
HMMER 3.3.2,3.3.2,3.4
HOOMD-blue 4.9.1,4.9.1
HPCG 3.1,3.1,3.1,3.1
HPL 2.3,2.3,2.3,2.3
HTSeq 0.13.5
HTSlib 1.11,1.11,1.12,1.16,1.17,1.21
HarfBuzz 2.6.7,5.3.1
Harminv 1.4.1,1.4.2
HepMC3 3.2.6
Highway 1.0.3
HyPhy 2.5.62
Hypre 2.20.0,2.27.0
ICU 67.1,72.1,75.1
IDBA-UD 1.1.3
IGV 2.16.0,2.16.2,2.17.4,2.19.1
IMOD 4.11.15,4.11.16,4.11.24_RHEL7,4.11.24,4.12.56_RHEL7,4.12.62_RHEL8
IOR 4.0.0,4.0.0
IPython 7.18.1,8.14.0
IQ-TREE 2.1.2
ISA-L 2.30.0
ISL 0.23,0.26
ImageMagick 7.0.10,7.1.0
Imath 3.1.6
Infernal 1.1.4
IsoNet 0.2.1
JAGS 4.3.0,4.3.2
Jansson 2.14
JasPer 2.0.24,4.0.0
Java 1.8.345,8.345,11.0.16,17.0.4,21.0.2
JsonCpp 1.9.4,1.9.5
Judy 1.0.5,1.0.5
Julia 1.8.2,1.8.5,1.9.2,1.10.0,1.10.2,1.10.4,1.11.1
Jupyter-bundle 20230823
JupyterHub 4.0.1
JupyterLab 2.2.8,4.0.3
JupyterNotebook 7.0.3
KaHIP 3.14
Kalign 3.3.1,3.4.0
Kent_tools 411,461
Knitro 12.0.0,14.0.0
Kraken2 2.1.3
LAME 3.100,3.100
LAMMPS 2Aug2023,23Jun2022
LDC 0.17.6,1.25.1
LERC 4.0.0
LHAPDF 6.5.4
LLVM 11.0.0,14.0.6,15.0.5,16.0.4
LMDB 0.9.24,0.9.29
LSD2 2.2
LZO 2.10,2.10
Leptonica 1.83.0
LibSoup 3.0.8
LibTIFF 4.1.0,4.2.0,4.4.0
Libint 2.6.0
LittleCMS 2.11,2.14
Lua 5.4.2,5.4.4
M4 1.4.17,1.4.18,1.4.18,1.4.18,1.4.19,1.4.19,1.4.19
MACS3 3.0.1
MAFFT 7.475,7.505
MATIO 1.5.23
MATLAB 2018b,2020b,2022a,2022b,2023a,2023b
MCL 14.137
MCR R2019b.8,R2020b.5,R2021b.6,R2022a.6,R2023a
MDI 1.4.16
MEME 5.4.1
METIS 5.1.0,5.1.0,5.1.0
MINC 2.4.06
MMseqs2 13,14
MPB 1.11.1
MPC 1.2.1,1.3.1
MPFR 4.1.0,4.2.0
MPICH 4.2.1
MRIcron 1.0.20190902
MRtrix3 3.0.2
MUMPS 5.3.5,5.6.1
MUMmer 4.0.0rc1
MadGraph5_aMC 2.9.16
MafFilter 1.3.1
Mako 1.1.3,1.2.4
MariaDB 10.5.8,10.11.2
Markdown 3.6
Mathematica 13.0.1
Maven 3.9.2
MaxBin 2.2.7
Meep 1.24.0,1.26.0
Mercurial 5.7.1
Mesa 20.2.1,21.3.3,22.2.4
MeshLab 2023.12
Meson 0.55.3,0.62.1,0.64.0,1.3.1,1.4.0
Metal 2020
MitoGraph 3.0
MotionCor2 1.5.0,1.6.4
MotionCor3 1.0.1
MrBayes 3.2.6,3.2.7
MultiQC 1.10.1
NAG 29
NAMD 2.14,2.14,2.14,2.14
NASM 2.15.05,2.15.05
NBO 7.0
NCCL 2.8.3,2.8.4,2.10.3,2.16.2,2.16.2,2.16.2,2.18.3,2.23.4
NCO 5.2.1,5.2.1
NECI 20230620
NEdit 5.7
NGS 2.10.9
NIfTI 2.0.0
NLopt 2.6.2,2.6.2,2.7.0,2.7.1
NSPR 4.29,4.35
NSS 3.57,3.85
NVHPC 21.11,21.11,23.1,24.9
Net-core 3.1.101
NetLogo 6.4.0
Netpbm 10.86.41
Nextflow 22.10.6,23.04.2,23.10.1,24.04.2,24.04.4
Ninja 1.10.1,1.11.1,1.12.1
ORCA 5.0.3,5.0.3,5.0.4,5.0.4,6.0.0,6.0.1
OSU-Micro-Benchmarks 5.7,5.7,6.2,6.2
OligoArray 2.1
OligoArrayAux 3.8
OpenBLAS 0.3.12,0.3.21,0.3.21,0.3.27
OpenBabel 3.1.1
OpenCV 4.5.1,4.8.0
OpenEXR 2.5.5,3.1.5
OpenFOAM v2012,v2206,v2212
OpenJPEG 2.4.0,2.5.0
OpenLibm 0.7.5
OpenMM 7.5.0,7.5.1,7.5.1,7.5.1,7.7.0,8.0.0
OpenMPI 4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.1.4,4.1.4,4.1.4
OpenPGM 5.2.122,5.2.122
OpenSSL 1.0,1.1,3
OpenSlide 3.4.1
OpenSlide-Java 0.12.4
OrthoFinder 2.5.4
Osi 0.108.8
PAML 4.10.7
PBZIP2 1.1.13
PCRE 8.44,8.45
PCRE2 10.35,10.40
PDBFixer 1.7
PEAR 0.9.11
PEET 1.15.0,1.16.0a
PETSc 3.15.0,3.17.4,3.20.3
PGI 18.10,18.10
PIPseeker 2.1.4
PLINK 1.9b_6.21,2_avx2_20221024
PLUMED 2.6.2,2.7.0,2.7.3,2.9.0,2.9.2
PMIx 5.0.2
PRINSEQ 0.20.4
PROJ 7.2.1,9.1.1
PRRTE 3.0.5
PYTHIA 8.309
Pandoc 2.13,3.1.2
Pango 1.47.0,1.50.12
ParMETIS 4.0.3
ParaView 5.8.1,5.11.0
PartitionFinder 2.1.1
Perl 5.28.0,5.32.0,5.32.0,5.32.1,5.36.0,5.36.0,5.36.1,5.38.0,5.38.2
Perl-bundle-CPAN 5.36.1
Phenix 1.20.1,1.20.1
PhyloBayes 4.1e
Pillow 8.0.1,9.4.0
Pillow-SIMD 7.1.2,9.5.0
Pint 0.22
PnetCDF 1.12.2,1.12.3,1.13.0,1.13.0
PostgreSQL 13.2,15.2
PuLP 2.7.0
PyBLP 1.1.0
PyBerny 0.6.3
PyCairo 1.24.0
PyCharm 2022.3.2,2024.3.2
PyCheMPS2 1.8.12
PyGObject 3.44.1
PyInstaller 6.3.0
PyOpenGL 3.1.5,3.1.6
PyQt5 5.15.4,5.15.7
PySCF 2.4.0
PyTables 3.5.2,3.8.0
PyTorch 1.9.0,1.13.1,2.1.2,2.1.2
PyYAML 5.3.1,6.0
PycURL 7.45.2
Pylada-light 2023Oct13
Python 2.7.18,2.7.18,3.8.6,3.8.6,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.12.3
Python-bundle-PyPI 2023.06,2024.06
QCA 2.3.5
QScintilla 2.11.6
QTLtools 1.3.1
Qhull 2020.2,2020.2
Qt5 5.14.2,5.15.7
Qt5Webkit 5.212.0,5.212.0
QtKeychain 0.13.2
QtPy 2.3.0
Qtconsole 5.4.0
QuPath 0.5.0,0.5.1
QuantumESPRESSO 6.8,7.0,7.2
Quip 1.1.8,1.1.8,20171217
Qwt 6.1.5,6.2.0
R 4.2.0,4.2.0,4.3.2,4.3.2,4.4.1,4.4.1
R-INLA 24.01.18
R-bundle-Bioconductor 3.15,3.16,3.18,3.19
R-bundle-CRAN 2023.12,2024.06
RDKit 2022.09.5
RE2 2023
RECON 1.08
RELION 3.0.8,3.1.4,3.1.4,3.1.4,4.0.0,4.0.1,4.0.1,5beta,5beta,5.0.0
RELION-composite-masks 5.0.0
RMBlast 2.11.0
ROOT 6.26.06,6.26.10
RSEM 1.3.3
RStudio 2022.07.2,2022.12.0,2024.04.2
RStudio-Server 2024.04.1+748
RapidJSON 1.1.0,1.1.0
Regenie 4.0
RepeatMasker 4.1.2
RepeatScout 1.0.6
ResMap 1.95
RevBayes 1.1.1,1.2.1,1.2.2,1.2.2
Rivet 3.1.9
Rmath 4.0.4,4.4.1
Rosetta 3.12
Ruby 2.7.2,3.0.5,3.2.2
Rust 1.52.1,1.65.0,1.70.0,1.75.0,1.78.0
SAMtools 1.11,1.11,1.16,1.16.1,1.18,1.20,1.21
SAS 9.4M8,9.4
SBGrid 2.11.2
SCOTCH 6.1.0,7.0.3
SCons 4.0.1,4.5.2
SDL2 2.0.14,2.26.3
SHAPEIT 2.r904.glibcv2.17
SHAPEIT4 4.2.2
SLEPc 3.15.0,3.17.2
SOCI 4.0.3,4.0.3
SPAGeDi 1.5d
SPAdes 3.15.1,3.15.5
SPM 12.5_r7771
SQLite 3.33.0,3.39.4,3.45.3
SRA-Toolkit 2.10.9,3.0.10,3.1.1,3.1.1
STAR 2.7.6a,2.7.7a,2.7.8a,2.7.9a,2.7.11a,2.7.11a
SWIG 4.0.2,4.1.1
Salmon 1.4.0
Sambamba 0.8.0
ScaFaCoS 1.0.1,1.0.4
ScaLAPACK 2.1.0,2.1.0,2.2.0,2.2.0,2.2.0
SciPy-bundle 2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2021.05,2023.02,2024.05
Seaborn 0.12.2,0.13.2
Seq-Gen 1.3.4
SeqKit 2.3.1,2.8.1
Serf 1.3.9,1.3.9
Shapely 1.8.5.post1,2.0.1
Sherpa 3.0.0
Slicer 5.6.2
SpaceRanger 2.1.1
Spark 3.1.1,3.1.1,3.5.0,3.5.0,3.5.1,3.5.3,3.5.4
SpectrA 1.0.0,1.0.1
Stacks 2.59
Stata 17
StringTie 2.1.4
Subread 2.0.3
Subversion 1.14.0,1.14.3
SuiteSparse 5.8.1,5.13.0
Summovie 1.0.2
SuperLU_DIST 8.1.2
Szip 2.1.1,2.1.1
TRF 4.09.1
TRUST4 1.0.7
Tcl 8.6.10,8.6.12,8.6.14
TensorFlow 2.5.0,2.7.1,2.13.0,2.15.1
TensorRT 8.6.1
Tk 8.6.10,8.6.12
Tkinter 3.8.6,3.10.8
TopHat 2.1.2,2.1.2
TotalView 2023.3.10
TreeMix 1.13
Trilinos 13.4.1
Trim_Galore 0.6.7
Trimmomatic 0.39
UCC 1.1.0,1.3.0
UCC-CUDA 1.1.0,1.1.0,1.3.0
UCX 1.9.0,1.9.0,1.10.0,1.13.1,1.16.0
UCX-CUDA 1.10.0,1.13.1,1.13.1,1.13.1,1.16.0
UDUNITS 2.2.26,2.2.28
USEARCH 11.0.667
UnZip 6.0,6.0,6.0
Unblur 1.0.2
VASP 5.4.1,5.4.4,5.4.4,6.3.0,6.4.2
VASPsol 5.4.1
VCFtools 0.1.16
VDJtools 1.2.1
VEP 107,110,112,112.0
VESTA 3.5.8
VMD 1.9.4a57
VSCode 1.95.3,1.96.2,1.96.4
VTK 9.0.1,9.0.1,9.2.6
VTune 2023.2.0
Valgrind 3.16.1,3.21.0
ViennaRNA 2.5.1
Vim 9.0.1434
VisPy 0.12.2
Voro++ 0.4.6,0.4.6
WRF 4.4.1
Wannier90 3.1.0,3.1.0
Wayland 1.22.0
Waylandpp 1.0.0
WebKitGTK+ 2.40.4
X11 20201008,20221110
XCFun 2.1.1
XGBoost 2.1.1,2.1.1
XML-LibXML 2.0206,2.0208
XMedCon 0.25.0
XZ 5.2.5,5.2.7,5.4.5
Xerces-C++ 3.1.4,3.2.3,3.2.4
Xvfb 1.20.9,21.1.6
YODA 1.9.9
Yasm 1.3.0,1.3.0
Z3 4.8.10,4.10.2,4.12.2,4.12.2
ZeroMQ 4.3.3,4.3.4
Zip 3.0,3.0
aiohttp 3.8.5
alibuild 1.17.11
angsd 0.940
anndata 0.10.5.post1
annovar 2019Oct24,20200607
ant 1.10.9,1.10.12,1.10.12
archspec 0.1.2,0.2.0
aria2 1.35.0,1.36.0
arpack-ng 3.8.0,3.8.0,3.8.0
at-spi2-atk 2.38.0,2.38.0
at-spi2-core 2.38.0,2.46.0
attr 2.4.48,2.5.1
attrdict3 2.0.2
awscli 2.1.23,2.13.20,2.15.2
bases2Fastq v1.5.1,v1.5.1,v2.0.0
bcl2fastq2 2.20.0,2.20.0
beagle-lib 3.1.2,3.1.2,3.1.2,3.1.2,4.0.0,4.0.1
binutils 2.28,2.30,2.30,2.35,2.35,2.39,2.39,2.40,2.42,2.42
biswebnode 1.3.0
bokeh 2.2.3,2.2.3,3.2.1
boto3 1.20.13,1.26.163
breseq 0.35.5,0.38.0,0.38.1
bsddb3 6.2.9,6.2.9
bzip2 1.0.8,1.0.8,1.0.8
c-ares 1.19.1
cURL 7.55.1,7.72.0,7.86.0,7.86.0,8.7.1
cairo 1.16.0,1.16.0,1.17.4
ccache 4.6.3
cffi 1.16.0
code-server 4.91.1,4.95.3
configurable-http-proxy 4.5.5
cppy 1.2.1
cromwell 86
cryptography 41.0.1,42.0.8
cutadapt 3.4
cxxopts 3.0.0
cyrus-sasl 2.1.28
dSQ 1.05
dask 2021.2.0,2021.2.0,2023.7.1
dbus-glib 0.112
dcm2niix 1.0.20211006,1.0.20230411
dedalus 3.0.2
deepTools 3.5.1,3.5.5
deml 1.1.4
dftd4 3.4.0
dill 0.3.7
dlib 19.22,19.22,19.22
dorado 0.5.3
dotNET-Core 7.0.410
dotNET-SDK 3.1.300
double-conversion 3.1.5,3.2.1
dtcmp 1.1.2,1.1.4
ecBuild 3.8.0
ecCodes 2.31.0
einops 0.7.0
elbencho 2.0,3.0
elfutils 0.183,0.189
enchant-2 2.3.3
ensmallen 2.21.1,2.21.1
exiv2 0.27.5,0.28.0
expat 2.2.5,2.2.9,2.4.9,2.6.2
expecttest 0.1.3
fastjet 3.4.0
fastjet-contrib 1.049
fastp 0.23.2
file 5.39,5.43
flatbuffers 1.12.0,23.1.4,23.5.26
flatbuffers-python 1.12,2.0,23.1.4,23.5.26
flex 2.6.3,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4
flit 3.9.0,3.9.0
fmriprep 23.1.0,23.1.4,23.2.1,24.1.0
fontconfig 2.13.92,2.14.1
foss 2020b,2022b,2024a
fosscuda 2020b
freeglut 3.2.1,3.4.0
freetype 2.10.3,2.10.3,2.12.1
gc 8.0.4,8.2.2,8.2.4
gcccuda 2020b,2022b
gcloud 382.0.0,494.0.0
gfbf 2022b,2024a
gflags 2.2.2
giflib 5.2.1,5.2.1
git 2.28.0,2.30.0,2.38.1,2.45.1
git-lfs 3.2.0,3.5.1
glew 2.1.0,2.2.0
glib-networking 2.72.1
glibc 2.34
gmpy2 2.1.0b5,2.1.5
gmsh 4.11.1,4.11.1
gnuplot 5.4.1,5.4.6
gomkl 2022b
gompi 2020b,2022b,2024a
gompic 2020b
googletest 1.10.0,1.12.1
gperf 3.1,3.1
gperftools 2.14
gpu_burn 20231110
graphite2 1.3.14,1.3.14
groff 1.22.4,1.22.4
grpcio 1.59.3
gsutil 4.42,5.10
gzip 1.10,1.12,1.13
h5py 3.1.0,3.1.0,3.2.1,3.8.0
hatchling 1.18.0,1.24.2
help2man 1.47.4,1.47.16,1.49.2,1.49.3
hiredis 1.2.0
hmmlearn 0.3.0
hunspell 1.7.1
hwloc 2.2.0,2.8.0,2.10.0
hypothesis 5.41.2,5.41.5,6.1.1,6.68.2,6.103.1
iccifort 2020.4.304
igraph 0.9.5,0.10.4,0.10.4,0.10.6,0.10.6,0.10.10
iimkl 2022b
iimpi 2020b,2022b,2024a
imageio 2.9.0,2.31.1
imgaug 0.4.0
imkl 2020.4.304,2020.4.304,2020.4.304,2022.2.1,2022.2.1,2024.2.0
imkl-FFTW 2022.2.1,2024.2.0
impi 2019.9.304,2021.7.1,2021.13.0
inih 57
intel 2020b,2022b,2024a
intel-compilers 2022.2.1,2024.2.0
intltool 0.51.0,0.51.0
iomkl 2020b,2022b
iompi 2020b,2022b
jax 0.2.19,0.3.25,0.4.25,0.4.25
jbigkit 2.1,2.1
jemalloc 5.2.1,5.3.0
json-c 0.16
json-fortran 8.3.0
jupyter-resource-usage 1.0.0
jupyter-server 2.7.0
jupyter-server-proxy 3.2.2
jupyterlmod 4.0.3
kallisto 0.48.0
kim-api 2.2.1,2.3.0
kineto 0.4.0
leidenalg 0.8.8,0.10.2
lftp 4.9.2
libGDSII 0.21
libGLU 9.0.1,9.0.2
libGridXC 0.9.6
libPSML 1.1.10
libRmath 4.1.0
libXp 1.0.3
libaec 1.0.6,1.0.6
libaio 0.3.112,0.3.113
libarchive 3.4.3,3.6.1,3.7.4
libavif 0.11.1,0.11.1
libcerf 1.14,2.3
libcifpp 5.0.6,7.0.3
libcint 5.5.0
libcircle 0.3,0.3
libctl 4.5.1
libdap 3.20.11
libdeflate 1.7,1.15
libdrm 2.4.102,2.4.114
libepoxy 1.5.4,1.5.10
libev 4.33
libevent 2.1.12,2.1.12,2.1.12
libexif 0.6.24,0.6.24
libfabric 1.11.0,1.16.1,1.21.0
libffi 3.3,3.4.4,3.4.5
libgcrypt 1.10.1
libgd 2.3.0,2.3.1,2.3.3
libgdiplus 6.1,6.1
libgeotiff 1.6.0,1.7.1
libgit2 1.1.0,1.5.0
libglvnd 1.3.2,1.6.0
libgpg-error 1.46
libharu 2.3.0
libiconv 1.16,1.17,1.17
libidn 1.41
libidn2 2.3.0,2.3.2
libjpeg-turbo 2.0.5,2.1.4
libleidenalg 0.11.1,0.11.1,0.11.1
libmcfp 1.2.2,1.3.3
libnsl 2.0.0
libogg 1.3.4,1.3.5
libopus 1.3.1
libpci 3.7.0
libpciaccess 0.16,0.17,0.18.1
libpng 1.2.59,1.5.30,1.6.37,1.6.38
libpsl 0.21.1
libreadline 8.0,8.2,8.2
librsvg 2.51.2
librttopo 1.1.0
libsigc++ 2.10.8
libsndfile 1.0.28,1.2.0
libsodium 1.0.18,1.0.18
libspatialindex 1.9.3
libspatialite 5.0.1
libtasn1 4.19.0
libtirpc 1.3.1,1.3.3
libtool 2.4.6,2.4.7,2.4.7
libunistring 0.9.10,1.1,1.1
libunwind 1.4.0,1.6.2
libvorbis 1.3.7,1.3.7
libwebp 1.1.0,1.3.1
libwpe 1.14.1
libxc 4.3.4,4.3.4,5.1.2,5.1.5,6.1.0,6.1.0
libxml++ 2.40.1
libxml2 2.9.10,2.9.14,2.10.3,2.12.7
libxslt 1.1.34,1.1.37
libxsmm 1.16.1
libyaml 0.2.5,0.2.5
libzip 1.9.2
liftOver 2023
loompy 3.0.7
lwgrp 1.0.3,1.0.5
lxml 4.9.2
lz4 1.9.2,1.9.4,1.9.4
maeparser 1.3.1
magma 2.5.4,2.7.1,2.7.1
make 4.3,4.3,4.4.1,4.4.1
makeinfo 6.7,6.7,7.0.3
mapDamage 2.2.1
matlab-proxy 0.12.1,0.13.1,0.14.0,0.15.1,0.18.2,0.19.0
matplotlib 3.3.3,3.3.3,3.3.3,3.7.0
maturin 1.1.0,1.4.0,1.6.0
mctc-lib 0.3.1
meson-python 0.11.0,0.15.0,0.16.0
mfold_util 4.7
miniconda 22.9.0,22.11.1,23.1.0,23.3.1,23.5.2,24.3.0,24.3.0,24.7.1,24.9.2
minimap2 2.22
minizip 1.1
ml_dtypes 0.3.1
mlpack 4.3.0,4.3.0
mm-common 1.0.4
mongolite 20240424,20240424
morphosamplers 0.0.10
motif 2.3.8,2.3.8
mpi4py 3.1.4
mpifileutils 0.11.1,0.11.1
mrc 1.3.6,1.3.13
mrcfile 1.3.0,1.5.0
mstore 0.2.0
muParser 2.3.4
multicharge 0.2.0
nanobind 2.1.0
napari 0.4.18
nbclassic 1.0.0
ncbi-vdb 2.10.9,3.0.10,3.1.1
ncdu 1.18
ncurses 5.9,5.9,6.0,6.2,6.2,6.3,6.3,6.5,6.5
ncview 2.1.8,2.1.8
nedit-ng 2020.1
netCDF 4.6.1,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.9.0,4.9.0,4.9.0
netCDF-C++ 4.2
netCDF-C++4 4.3.1,4.3.1
netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.6.0,4.6.0,4.6.0
netcdf4-python 1.6.3
nettle 3.6,3.8.1
networkx 2.5,2.5,2.5.1,3.0
nf-core 2.14.1
nghttp2 1.48.0
nghttp3 0.6.0
ngtcp2 0.7.0
nlohmann_json 3.11.2
nodejs 12.19.0,18.12.1,20.11.1
nsync 1.24.0,1.26.0
numactl 2.0.13,2.0.16,2.0.18
numba 0.58.1
nvofbf 2023.01
nvompi 2023.01
occt 7.5.0p1,7.5.0p1
p11-kit 0.24.1
p7zip 17.04
pam-devel 1.3.1
parallel 20210322
parameterized 0.9.0
patchelf 0.12,0.17.2,0.18.0
phonopy 2.27.0
phyx 1.3
picard 2.18.14,2.25.6
pigz 2.6,2.7
pixman 0.40.0,0.42.2
pkg-config 0.29.2,0.29.2
pkgconf 1.8.0,1.8.0,1.9.3,2.2.0
pkgconfig 1.5.1,1.5.5 4.14.3,5.13.1
pocl 1.6,1.8,5.0
poetry 1.5.1,1.7.1,1.8.3
poppler 21.06.1,21.06.1,22.12.0
popt 1.16
postgis 3.4.2
printproto 1.0.5
prompt-toolkit 3.0.36
protobuf 3.14.0,3.19.4,23.0
protobuf-python 3.14.0,3.19.4,4.23.0
psycopg2 2.9.9
pugixml 1.12.1
py-cpuinfo 9.0.0
py3Dmol 2.0.1.post1,2.1.0
pyFFTW 0.13.1
pySCENIC 0.12.1
pybind11 2.6.0,2.6.2,2.10.3,2.12.0,2.12.0
pydantic 2.5.3
pyproj 3.5.0
pytest 7.4.2
pytest-flakefinder 1.1.0
pytest-rerunfailures 12.0
pytest-shard 0.1.2
pytest-workflow 2.0.1
pytest-xdist 2.3.0,3.3.1
python-igraph 0.9.8,0.11.4
python-isal 0.11.1
qrupdate 1.1.2
rMATS-turbo 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.2.0
rasterio 1.3.8
re2c 2.0.3,3.0
rpmrebuild 2.16,2.18
ruamel.yaml 0.17.21,0.17.21
samblaster 0.1.26
scanpy 1.9.8
scikit-build 0.11.1,0.11.1,0.17.2,0.17.6
scikit-build-core 0.9.3
scikit-image 0.18.1,0.18.1,0.18.3,0.21.0
scikit-learn 0.20.4,0.23.2,0.23.2,0.24.1,1.2.1
segemehl 0.3.4
seqtk 1.3
setuptools 64.0.3
setuptools-rust 1.9.0
shRNA 0.1
siscone 3.0.5
slurm-drmaa 1.1.3
snakemake 7.32.3
snappy 1.1.8,1.1.9,1.1.10
sparsehash 2.0.4
spglib-python 2.0.2,2.3.1
statsmodels 0.12.1,0.14.0
sympy 1.7.1,1.12
t-SNE-CUDA 3.0.1
tabix 0.2.6
tbb 2020.3,2021.9.0,2021.10.0,2021.13.0
tcsh 6.22.03,6.24.07
tensorboard 2.15.1
tesseract 5.3.0,5.3.0
texlive 20220321,20220321,20220321
time 1.9
tmux 3.4
topaz 0.2.5,
torchvision 0.10.0,0.16.0
tqdm 4.56.2,4.60.0,4.64.1
ttyd 1.7.7
umap-learn 0.5.3
unifdef 2.12
unrar 7.0.1
utf8proc 2.5.0,2.8.0
util-linux 2.36,2.38.1
virtualenv 20.23.1,20.26.2
watershed-workflow 1.4.0,1.4.0,1.5.0
wget 1.20.3
wpebackend-fdo 1.14.1
wrapt 1.15.0
wxPython 4.2.1
wxWidgets 3.1.4,3.1.4,3.2.0,
x264 20201026,20230226
x265 3.3,3.5
xarray 2023.4.2,2023.4.2
xextproto 7.3.0
xmlf90 1.5.4
xorg-macros 1.19.2,1.19.3,1.20.1
xpdf 4.04
xprop 1.2.5,1.2.5
xtb 6.5.1,6.6.0,6.6.1,6.7.1
xxd 8.2.4220,9.0.1696
yaml-cpp 0.7.0,0.7.0
ycga-public 1.6.0,1.7.2,1.7.3,1.7.4,1.7.5,1.7.6,1.7.7
zlib 1.2.11,1.2.11,1.2.11,1.2.12,1.2.12,1.2.13,1.3.1,1.3.1
zstd 1.4.5,1.5.2,1.5.6

Partitions and Hardware

Grace is made up of several kinds of compute nodes. We group them into (sometimes overlapping) Slurm partitions meant to serve different purposes. By combining the --partition and --constraint Slurm options you can more finely control what nodes your jobs can run on.

Job Submission Limits

  • You are limited to 4 interactive app instances (of any type) at one time. Additional instances will be rejected until you delete older open instances. For OnDemand jobs, closing the window does not terminate the interactive app job. To terminate the job, click the "Delete" button in your "My Interactive Apps" page in the web portal.

  • Job submissions are limited to 200 jobs per hour. See the Rate Limits section in the Common Job Failures page for more info.

Public Partitions

See each tab below for more information about the available common use partitions.

Use the day partition for most batch jobs. This is the default if you don't specify one with --partition.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the day partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 1-00:00:00
Maximum CPUs per group 2500
Maximum CPUs per user 1000

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
66 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp
72 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp, oldest
130 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp, oldest

Use the devel partition to jobs with which you need ongoing interaction. For example, exploratory analyses or debugging compilation.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the devel partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 06:00:00
Maximum CPUs per user 4
Maximum memory per user 32G
Maximum submitted jobs per user 1

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
5 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp, oldest
1 6126 24 174 skylake, avx512, 6126, nogpu, standard, common

Use the week partition for jobs that need a longer runtime than day allows.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the week partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 7-00:00:00
Maximum CPUs per group 252
Maximum CPUs per user 108

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
18 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp

Use the transfer partition to stage data for your jobs to and from cluster storage.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the transfer partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 1-00:00:00
Maximum running jobs per user 2
Maximum CPUs per job 1

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
2 7642 8 237 epyc, 7642, nogpu, standard, common

Use the gpu partition for jobs that make use of GPUs. You must request GPUs explicitly with the --gpus option in order to use them. For example, --gpus=gtx1080ti:2 would request 2 GeForce GTX 1080Ti GPUs per node.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the gpu partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 2-00:00:00
Maximum GPUs per user 24

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
2 6342 48 984 a100 4 80 icelake, avx512, 6342, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, gpu, a100, a100-80g
11 6326 32 206 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, common
1 6326 32 984 a100 4 80 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, gpu, a100, a100-80g
3 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, common, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
2 6240 36 361 a100 4 40 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, a100, a100-40g, oldest
2 5222 8 181 rtx5000 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 5222, doubleprecision, common, bigtmp, rtx5000, oldest
4 6240 36 370 v100 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, common, v100, oldest
2 6136 24 90 v100 2 16 skylake, avx512, 6136, doubleprecision, common, bigtmp, v100

Use the gpu_devel partition to debug jobs that make use of GPUs, or to develop GPU-enabled code.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the gpu_devel partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 06:00:00
Maximum CPUs per user 10
Maximum GPUs per user 3
Maximum submitted jobs per user 2

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
1 6326 32 984 a100 4 80 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, gpu, a100, a100-80g
1 6326 32 206 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, common
1 6240 36 370 v100 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, common, v100, oldest
2 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, common, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
2 6240 36 166 rtx3090 4 24 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, rtx3090, oldest
4 5222 8 181 rtx5000 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 5222, doubleprecision, common, bigtmp, rtx5000, oldest

Use the bigmem partition for jobs that have memory requirements other partitions can't handle.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the bigmem partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 1-00:00:00
Maximum CPUs per user 40
Maximum memory per user 4000G

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
3 6240 36 1505 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, common, bigtmp, oldest
2 6234 16 1505 cascadelake, avx512, nogpu, 6234, common, bigtmp, oldest
4 6346 32 3935 cascadelake, avx512, 6346, common, nogpu, bigtmp, oldest

Use the mpi partition for tightly-coupled parallel programs that make efficient use of multiple nodes. See our MPI documentation if your workload fits this description.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --exclusive --mem=90112

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the mpi partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 1-00:00:00
Maximum nodes per group 64
Maximum nodes per user 64

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
122 6136 24 88 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp

Use the scavenge partition to run preemptable jobs on more resources than normally allowed. For more information about scavenge, see the Scavenge documentation.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the scavenge partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 1-00:00:00
Maximum CPUs per user 10000

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
50 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
1 6326 32 983 l40s 4 48 icelake, avx512, 6326, pi, standard, bigtmp, l40s
6 6342 48 1999 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
84 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp
2 6342 48 984 a100 4 80 icelake, avx512, 6342, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, gpu, a100, a100-80g
11 6326 32 206 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, common
2 6326 32 984 a100 4 80 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, gpu, a100, a100-80g
2 6326 32 206 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, pi
2 6326 32 468 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, pi
72 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
72 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp, oldest
130 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp, oldest
87 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
4 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, pi, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
3 6240 36 1505 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, common, bigtmp, oldest
3 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, common, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
1 6254 36 370 rtx2080ti 8 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6254, singleprecision, pi, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
2 6240 36 370 v100 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, pi, v100, oldest
2 6240 36 179 rtx3090 4 24 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, bigtmp, pi, rtx3090, oldest
2 6240 36 361 a100 4 40 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, a100, a100-40g, oldest
2 6234 16 1505 cascadelake, avx512, nogpu, 6234, common, bigtmp, oldest
2 5222 8 181 rtx5000 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 5222, doubleprecision, common, bigtmp, rtx5000, oldest
20 8260 96 181 cascadelake, avx512, 8260, nogpu, pi, oldest
4 6240 36 370 v100 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, common, v100, oldest
1 6326 32 1001 a100 4 80 cascadelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, bigtmp, pi, a100, a100-80g, oldest
4 6346 32 3935 cascadelake, avx512, 6346, common, nogpu, bigtmp, oldest
3 6234 16 1505 cascadelake, avx512, nogpu, 6234, pi, bigtmp, oldest
8 6240 36 370 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, pi, bigtmp, oldest
16 6136 24 90 edr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
4 6136 24 88 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
12 6136 24 90 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
3 6142 32 181 skylake, avx512, 6142, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
9 6136 24 181 p100 4 16 skylake, avx512, 6136, doubleprecision, pi, p100
4 6136 24 90 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, pi, common, bigtmp
1 6136 24 749 skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, pi, bigtmp
2 6136 24 90 v100 2 16 skylake, avx512, 6136, doubleprecision, common, bigtmp, v100
2 5122 8 181 rtx2080 4 8 skylake, avx512, 5122, singleprecision, pi, rtx2080

Use the scavenge_gpu partition to run preemptable jobs on more GPU resources than normally allowed. For more information about scavenge, see the Scavenge documentation.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the scavenge_gpu partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 1-00:00:00
Maximum GPUs per user 30

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
1 6326 32 983 l40s 4 48 icelake, avx512, 6326, pi, standard, bigtmp, l40s
2 6342 48 984 a100 4 80 icelake, avx512, 6342, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, gpu, a100, a100-80g
11 6326 32 206 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, common
2 6326 32 984 a100 4 80 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, gpu, a100, a100-80g
2 6326 32 206 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, pi
2 6326 32 468 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, pi
4 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, pi, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
3 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, common, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
1 6254 36 370 rtx2080ti 8 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6254, singleprecision, pi, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
2 6240 36 370 v100 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, pi, v100, oldest
2 6240 36 179 rtx3090 4 24 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, bigtmp, pi, rtx3090, oldest
2 6240 36 361 a100 4 40 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, bigtmp, common, a100, a100-40g, oldest
2 5222 8 181 rtx5000 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 5222, doubleprecision, common, bigtmp, rtx5000, oldest
4 6240 36 370 v100 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, common, v100, oldest
1 6326 32 1001 a100 4 80 cascadelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, bigtmp, pi, a100, a100-80g, oldest
9 6136 24 181 p100 4 16 skylake, avx512, 6136, doubleprecision, pi, p100
2 6136 24 90 v100 2 16 skylake, avx512, 6136, doubleprecision, common, bigtmp, v100
2 5122 8 181 rtx2080 4 8 skylake, avx512, 5122, singleprecision, pi, rtx2080

Use the scavenge_mpi partition to run preemptable jobs on more MPI resources than normally allowed. For more information about scavenge, see the Scavenge documentation.

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --exclusive --mem=90112

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the scavenge_mpi partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 1-00:00:00
Maximum nodes per group 64
Maximum nodes per user 64

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
128 6136 24 88 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp

Private Partitions

With few exceptions, jobs submitted to private partitions are not considered when calculating your group's Fairshare. Your group can purchase additional hardware for private use, which we will make available as a pi_groupname partition. These nodes are purchased by you, but supported and administered by us. After vendor support expires, we retire compute nodes. Compute nodes can range from $10K to upwards of $50K depending on your requirements. If you are interested in purchasing nodes for your group, please contact us.

PI Partitions (click to expand)

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_anticevic partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 100-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
2 6342 48 1999 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
15 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
2 6326 32 206 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, pi

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_balou partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
9 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
14 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_berry partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
1 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
1 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=3840

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_chem_chase partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
8 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
1 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, pi, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_cowles partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00
Maximum CPUs per user 120
Maximum nodes per user 5

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
9 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_econ_io partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
6 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_econ_lp partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
6 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
5 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
7 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
1 6234 16 1505 cascadelake, avx512, nogpu, 6234, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_esi partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00
Maximum CPUs per user 648

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
36 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=3840

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_fedorov partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
6 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
12 6136 24 90 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
4 6136 24 90 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, pi, common, bigtmp

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_gelernter partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
1 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=3840

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_hammes_schiffer partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
6 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
8 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
1 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, pi, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
16 6136 24 90 edr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
1 6136 24 749 skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, pi, bigtmp
2 5122 8 181 rtx2080 4 8 skylake, avx512, 5122, singleprecision, pi, rtx2080

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_hodgson partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
1 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_holland partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
2 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
8 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_howard partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
1 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_jorgensen partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
3 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_kim_theodore partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
1 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
1 6234 16 1505 cascadelake, avx512, nogpu, 6234, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_korenaga partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
3 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_lederman partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
1 6254 36 1505 rtx4000,rtx8000,v100 4,2,2 8,48,16 cascadelake, avx512, 6254, pi, bigtmp, rtx8000, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=1952

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_levine partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
20 8260 96 181 cascadelake, avx512, 8260, nogpu, pi, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=3840

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_lora partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
5 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
4 6136 24 88 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_manohar partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 180-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
6 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
2 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
4 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_mingarelli partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
4 6342 48 1999 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
6 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_ohern partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
2 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
2 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
8 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
9 6136 24 181 p100 4 16 skylake, avx512, 6136, doubleprecision, pi, p100

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_owen_miller partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
2 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
1 6234 16 1505 cascadelake, avx512, nogpu, 6234, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_padmanabhan partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
3 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_panda partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
2 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
2 6326 32 468 a5000 4 24 icelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, a5000, pi
1 6254 36 370 rtx2080ti 8 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6254, singleprecision, pi, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
2 6240 36 370 v100 4 16 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, pi, v100, oldest
3 6240 36 181 rtx2080ti 4 11 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, singleprecision, pi, bigtmp, rtx2080ti, oldest
1 6326 32 1001 a100 4 80 cascadelake, avx512, 6326, doubleprecision, bigtmp, pi, a100, a100-80g, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_poland partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
8 6240 36 370 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_polimanti partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
2 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
2 6240 36 181 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_seto partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
3 6142 32 181 skylake, avx512, 6142, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_spielman partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
1 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_sweeney partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
2 6240 36 179 rtx3090 4 24 cascadelake, avx512, 6240, doubleprecision, bigtmp, pi, rtx3090, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_tsmith partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
2 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp
1 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_vaccaro partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
1 6342 48 487 icelake, avx512, 6342, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

GPU jobs need GPUs!

Jobs submitted to this partition do not request a GPU by default. You must request one with the --gpus option.

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_ying_rex partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) GPU Type GPUs/Node vRAM/GPU (GB) Node Features
1 6326 32 983 l40s 4 48 icelake, avx512, 6326, pi, standard, bigtmp, l40s

Request Defaults

Unless specified, your jobs will run with the following options to salloc and sbatch options for this partition.

--time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5120

Job Limits

Jobs submitted to the pi_zhu partition are subject to the following limits:

Limit Value
Maximum job time limit 28-00:00:00

Available Compute Nodes

Requests for --cpus-per-task and --mem can't exceed what is available on a single compute node.

Count CPU Type CPUs/Node Memory/Node (GiB) Node Features
12 8268 48 355 cascadelake, avx512, 8268, nogpu, standard, pi, bigtmp, oldest
6 6136 24 88 hdr, skylake, avx512, 6136, nogpu, standard, common, bigtmp


Grace has access to a number of filesystems. /vast/palmer hosts Grace's home and scratch directories and /gpfs/gibbs hosts project directories and most additional purchased storage allocations. For more details on the different storage spaces, see our Cluster Storage documentation.

You can check your current storage usage & limits by running the getquota command. Your ~/project and ~/palmer_scratch directories are shortcuts. Get a list of the absolute paths to your directories with the mydirectories command. If you want to share data in your Project or Scratch directory, see the permissions page.

For information on data recovery, see the Backups and Snapshots documentation.


Files stored in palmer_scratch are purged if they are older than 60 days. You will receive an email alert one week before they are deleted. Artificial extension of scratch file expiration is forbidden without explicit approval from the YCRC. Please purchase storage if you need additional longer term storage.

Partition Root Directory Storage File Count Backups Snapshots Notes
home /vast/palmer/home.grace 125GiB/user 500,000 Yes >=2 days
project /gpfs/gibbs/project 1TiB/group, increase to 4TiB on request 5,000,000 No >=2 days
scratch /vast/palmer/scratch 10TiB/group 15,000,000 No No

Last update: February 12, 2025