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Stage Data for Compute Jobs

Large datasets are often stored off-cluster on departmental servers, Storage@Yale, in cloud storage, etc. Since the permanent home of the data remains on off-cluster storage, you need to transfer a working copy to the cluster temporarily. When your computation finishes, you would then remove the copy and transfer the results to a more permanent location.

Temporary Storage

We recommend staging data into your scratch storage space on the cluster, as the working copy of the data can then be removed manually or left to be deleted (which will happen automatically after 60-days).

Interactive Transfers

For interactive transfers, please see our Transfer Data page for a more complete list of ways to move data efficiently to and from the clusters.

A sample workflow using rsync would be:

# connect to the transfer node from the login node
[netID@cluster ~] ssh transfer
# copy data to temporary cluster storage
[netID@transfer ~]$ rsync -avP netID@department_server:/path/to/data $HOME/palmer_scratch/
# process data on cluster
[netID@transfer ~]$ sbatch
# return results to permanent storage for safe-keeping
[netID@transfer ~]$ rsync -avP $HOME/palmer_scratch/output_data netID@department_server:/path/to/outputs/


To protect your transfer from network interruptions between your computer and the transfer node, launch your rsync inside a tmux session on the transfer node.

Transfer Partition

Both Grace and McCleary have dedicated data transfer partitions (named transfer) designed for staging data onto the cluster. All users are able to submit jobs to these partitions. Note each users is limited to running two transfer jobs at one time. If your workflow requires more simultaneuous transfers, contact us for assistance.

Transfers as Batch Jobs

A sample sbatch script for an rsync transfer is show here:


#SBATCH --partition=transfer
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --job-name=my_transfer
#SBATCH --output=transfer.txt

rsync -av netID@department_server:/path/to/data $HOME/palmer_scratch/
This will launch a batch job that will transfer data from to your scratch directory. Note, this will only work if you have set up password-less logins on the remote host.

Transfer Job Dependencies

There are sbatch options that allow you to hold a job from running until a previous job finishes. These are called Job Dependencies, and they allow you to include a data-staging step as part of your data processing pipe-line.

Consider a workflow where we would like to process data located on a remote server. We can break this into two separate Slurm jobs: a transfer job followed by a processing job.



#SBATCH --partition=transfer
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --job-name=my_transfer

rsync -av netID@department_server:/path/to/data $HOME/palmer_scratch/



#SBATCH --partition=day
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --job-name=my_process

module reset
module load miniconda

conda activate my_env

python $HOME/ $HOME/palmer_scratch/data

First we would submit the transfer job to Slurm:

$ sbatch transfer.sbatch
Submitted batch job 12345678

Then we can pass this jobID as a dependency for the processing job:

$ sbatch --dependency=afterok:12345678 process.sbatch
Submitted batch job 12345679
Slurm will now hold the processing job until the transfer finishes:

$ squeue
12345679       day  process    netID  PD      0:00      1 (Dependency)
12345678  transfer  transfer   netID  R       0:15      1 c01n04

Storage@Yale Transfers

Storage@Yale shares are mounted on the transfer partition, enabling you to stage data from these remote servers. The process is somewhat simpler than the above example because we do not need to rsync the data, and can instead use cp directly.

Here, we have modified the transfer.sbatch file from above:



#SBATCH --partition=transfer
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --job-name=my_transfer

cp /SAY/standard/my_say_share/data $HOME/palmer_scratch/

This will transfer data from the Storage@Yale share to palmer_scratch where it can be processed on any of the compute nodes.

Last update: January 25, 2023