Load Software with Modules
To facilitate the diverse work that happens on the YCRC clusters we compile, install, and manage software packages separately from those installed in standard system directories. We use EasyBuild to build, install, and manage packages. You can access these packages as Lmod modules. The modules involving compiled software are arranged into hierarchical toolchains that make dependencies more consistent when you load multiple modules.
Avoid loading Python or R modules simultaneously with conda environments. This will almost always break something.
Installed Software Modules
Available Software Modules (click to expand)
Package | Versions |
APR | 1.7.5 |
APR-util | 1.6.3 |
ATK | 2.38.0 |
Armadillo | 11.4.3 |
Autoconf | 2.71,2.72 |
Automake | 1.16.5,1.16.5 |
Autotools | 20220317,20231222 |
AxiSEM3D | 2024Oct16 |
BLIS | 0.9.0 |
BeautifulSoup | 4.11.1 |
Bison | 3.8.2,3.8.2,3.8.2 |
Boost | 1.81.0,1.81.0 |
Brotli | 1.0.9 |
Brunsli | 0.1 |
CESM | 2.1.3,2.1.3 |
CESM-deps | 2,2 |
CFITSIO | 4.2.0 |
CMake | 3.24.3 |
CP2K | 2023.1 |
CUDA | 12.1.1 |
Check | 0.15.2 |
DB | 18.1.40 |
DBus | 1.15.2 |
Doxygen | 1.9.5 |
ELPA | 2022.05.001 |
ESMF | 8.3.0,8.3.0 |
EasyBuild | 4.9.3,4.9.4 |
Eigen | 3.4.0 |
FFTW | 2.1.5,2.1.5,3.3.10,3.3.10 |
FFTW.MPI | 3.3.10 |
FFmpeg | 5.1.2 |
FHI-aims | 231212_1 |
FLAC | 1.4.2 |
FlexiBLAS | 3.2.1 |
FriBidi | 1.0.12 |
GCC | 12.2.0 |
GCCcore | 12.2.0,13.3.0 |
GDAL | 3.6.2 |
GDRCopy | 2.3.1 |
GEOS | 3.11.1 |
GLPK | 5.0 |
GLib | 2.75.0 |
GMP | 6.2.1 |
GObject-Introspection | 1.74.0 |
GROMACS | 2023.3 |
GSL | 2.7 |
GTK3 | 3.24.35 |
Gdk-Pixbuf | 2.42.10 |
Ghostscript | 10.0.0 |
HDF | 4.2.15 |
HDF5 | 1.14.0,1.14.0,1.14.0 |
HPCG | 3.1 |
HPL | 2.3 |
HarfBuzz | 5.3.1 |
Highway | 1.0.3 |
ICU | 72.1 |
IOR | 4.0.0,4.0.0 |
IPython | 8.14.0 |
ImageMagick | 7.1.0 |
Imath | 3.1.6 |
JasPer | 4.0.0 |
Java | 11.0.16 |
Julia | 1.10.4 |
JupyterLab | 4.0.3 |
JupyterNotebook | 7.0.3 |
LAME | 3.100 |
LAMMPS | 2Aug2023 |
LERC | 4.0.0 |
LLVM | 15.0.5 |
LibTIFF | 4.4.0 |
Libint | 2.7.2 |
LittleCMS | 2.14 |
M4 | 1.4.19,1.4.19,1.4.19 |
MATLAB | 2023b |
MDI | 1.4.16 |
METIS | 5.1.0 |
MPFR | 4.2.0 |
Mako | 1.2.4 |
Mesa | 22.2.4 |
Meson | 0.64.0 |
NASM | 2.15.05 |
NLopt | 2.7.1 |
Ninja | 1.11.1 |
OSU-Micro-Benchmarks | 6.2 |
OpenBLAS | 0.3.21 |
OpenEXR | 3.1.5 |
OpenJPEG | 2.5.0 |
OpenMPI | 4.1.4,4.1.4 |
OpenPGM | 5.2.122 |
OpenSSL | 1.1 |
PBZIP2 | 1.1.13 |
PCRE | 8.45 |
PCRE2 | 10.40 |
PLUMED | 2.9.2 |
PROJ | 9.1.1 |
Pango | 1.50.12 |
Perl | 5.36.0,5.38.2 |
PnetCDF | 1.13.0,1.13.0 |
PostgreSQL | 15.2 |
PyYAML | 6.0 |
Python | 3.10.8,3.10.8 |
Qhull | 2020.2 |
QuantumESPRESSO | 7.2 |
R | 4.4.1 |
R-bundle-CRAN | 2024.06 |
Rust | 1.65.0 |
SCons | 4.5.2 |
SDL2 | 2.26.3 |
SQLite | 3.39.4 |
SWIG | 4.1.1 |
ScaFaCoS | 1.0.4 |
ScaLAPACK | 2.2.0 |
SciPy-bundle | 2023.02 |
Serf | 1.3.9 |
Subversion | 1.14.3 |
Szip | 2.1.1 |
Tcl | 8.6.12 |
Tk | 8.6.12 |
TotalView | 2023.3.10 |
UCC | 1.1.0 |
UCX | 1.13.1,1.16.0 |
UCX-CUDA | 1.13.1 |
UDUNITS | 2.2.28 |
UnZip | 6.0 |
VASP | 6.4.2 |
VTK | 9.2.6 |
Voro++ | 0.4.6 |
Wannier90 | 3.1.0 |
X11 | 20221110 |
XML-LibXML | 2.0208 |
XZ | 5.2.7 |
Xerces-C++ | 3.2.4 |
Xvfb | 21.1.6 |
Yasm | 1.3.0 |
ZeroMQ | 4.3.4 |
archspec | 0.2.0 |
arpack-ng | 3.8.0 |
at-spi2-atk | 2.38.0 |
at-spi2-core | 2.46.0 |
awscli | 2.17.51 |
binutils | 2.39,2.39,2.42,2.42 |
bzip2 | 1.0.8 |
cURL | 7.86.0 |
cairo | 1.17.4 |
elbencho | 2.0,3.0 |
expat | 2.4.9 |
ffnvcodec | |
fio | 3.34 |
flex | 2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4 |
fontconfig | 2.14.1 |
foss | 2022b |
freetype | 2.12.1 |
gettext | 0.21.1,0.21.1 |
gfbf | 2022b |
giflib | 5.2.1 |
git | 2.38.1 |
gompi | 2022b |
googletest | 1.12.1 |
gperf | 3.1 |
groff | 1.22.4 |
gzip | 1.12 |
h5py | 3.8.0 |
help2man | 1.49.2,1.49.3 |
hwloc | 2.8.0 |
hypothesis | 6.68.2 |
iimpi | 2022b,2024a |
imkl | 2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
imkl-FFTW | 2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
impi | 2021.7.1,2021.13.0 |
intel | 2022b,2024a |
intel-compilers | 2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
intltool | 0.51.0 |
iomkl | 2022b |
iompi | 2022b |
jbigkit | 2.1 |
json-c | 0.16 |
jupyter-server | 2.7.0 |
kim-api | 2.3.0 |
lftp | 4.9.2 |
libGLU | |
libaio | |
libarchive | |
libdeflate | |
libdrm | |
libepoxy | |
libfabric | |
libffi | |
libgeotiff | |
libgit2 | |
libglvnd | |
libiconv | |
libjpeg-turbo | |
libogg | |
libopus | |
libpciaccess | |
libpng | |
libreadline | |
libsndfile | |
libsodium | |
libtirpc | |
libtool | |
libunwind | |
libvorbis | |
libvori | |
libxc | |
libxml2 | |
libxslt | |
libxsmm | |
libyaml | |
lxml | 4.9.2 |
lz4 | 1.9.4 |
make | 4.3 |
maturin | 1.1.0 |
miniconda | 24.7.1 |
mpi4py | 3.1.4 |
ncurses | 6.3,6.3 |
netCDF | 4.9.0,4.9.0,4.9.0 |
netCDF-C++4 | 4.3.1,4.3.1 |
netCDF-Fortran | 4.6.0,4.6.0 |
nettle | 3.8.1 |
networkx | 3.0 |
nlohmann_json | 3.11.2 |
nodejs | 18.12.1,20.11.1 |
numactl | 2.0.16,2.0.18 |
patchelf | 0.17.2 |
pigz | 2.7 |
pixman | 0.42.2 |
pkg-config | 0.29.2 |
pkgconf | 1.8.0,1.9.3,2.2.0 |
pkgconfig | 1.5.5 |
pybind11 | 2.10.3 |
ruamel.yaml | 0.17.21 |
scikit-build | 0.17.2 |
tbb | 2021.10.0 |
utf8proc | 2.8.0 |
util-linux | 2.38.1 |
x264 | 20230226 |
x265 | 3.5 |
xorg-macros | 1.19.3 |
xxd | 9.0.1696 |
zlib | 1.2.12,1.2.12,1.3.1,1.3.1 |
zstd | 1.5.2 |
Package | Versions |
ACTC | 1.1,1.1 |
ADMIXTURE | 1.3.0 |
AFNI | 23.2.08,2022.1.14,2023.1.01,2023.1.07,24.1.22 |
ANTLR | 2.7.7 |
ANTs | 2.3.5 |
APBS |,3.4.1.Linux |
APR | 1.7.0,1.7.5 |
APR-util | 1.6.1,1.6.3 |
ASE | 3.22.1 |
ATK | 2.36.0,2.38.0 |
AUGUSTUS | 3.4.0 |
Abseil | 20230125.2 |
AdapterRemoval | 2.3.2 |
AlphaFold | 2.2.3,2.2.3,2.2.4,2.2.4,2.3.2,2.3.2,3.0.0 |
AmberTools | 23.6 |
Archive-Zip | 1.68,1.68 |
AreTomo | 1.3.4 |
AreTomo2 | 1.0.0 |
AreTomo3 | 2.0.6beta |
Armadillo | 10.2.1,11.4.3,11.4.3 |
Arrow | 0.17.1,0.17.1,6.0.0,11.0.0,14.0.1,16.1.0 |
Aspera-CLI | |
Aspera-Connect | |
AuthentiCT | 1.0.1 |
Autoconf | 2.69,2.71,2.72 |
Automake | 1.16.2,1.16.5,1.16.5 |
Autotools | 20200321,20220317,20231222 |
BBMap | 38.90 |
BCFtools | 1.11,1.16,1.21 |
BEDOPS | 2.4.41 |
BEDTools | 2.30.0 |
BGEN-enkre | 1.1.7 |
BLAST | 2.2.26 |
BLAST+ | 2.13.0,2.14.1,2.15.0 |
BLAT | 3.5,3.5 |
BLIS | 0.9.0,1.0 |
BLT | 20220626 |
BWA | 0.7.17,0.7.17,0.7.17 |
BamTools | 2.5.1,2.5.1,2.5.2 |
BaseSpaceCLI | 1.5.3 |
Bazel | 3.7.2,5.4.1,6.1.0,6.3.1 |
Beast | 2.6.3,2.6.3,2.6.7,2.7.4,2.7.6 |
BeautifulSoup | 4.11.1 |
Bio-DB-BigFile | 1.07,1.07 |
Bio-DB-HTS | 3.01,3.01 |
BioPP | 2.4.1 |
BioPerl | 1.7.8,1.7.8 |
Biopython | 1.78,1.79,1.81,1.83 |
Bismark | 0.24.0 |
Bison | 3.0.4,3.0.4,3.0.5,3.7.1,3.7.1,3.8.2,3.8.2,3.8.2 |
Blender | 4.0.1,4.2.1 |
Block | 1.5.3 |
Blosc | 1.21.0,1.21.3 |
Blosc2 | 2.8.0 |
Boost | 1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.81.0,1.81.0,1.81.0,1.83.0,1.85.0,1.86.0 |
Boost.MPI | 1.81.0,1.81.0 |
Boost.Python | 1.74.0,1.81.0 |
Boost.Python-NumPy | 1.74.0,1.81.0 |
Bowtie | 1.3.0,1.3.0,1.3.1 |
Bowtie2 |,2.4.2,2.4.2,2.5.1 |
Brotli | 1.0.9,1.0.9 |
Brunsli | 0.1 |
Bsoft | 2.1.4 |
CAMPARI | 4.0 |
CCP4 | 8.0.011,8.0.015 |
CD-HIT | 4.8.1 |
CDO | 2.2.2 |
CESM | 2.1.3,2.1.3 |
CESM-deps | 2,2 |
CFITSIO | 3.48,4.2.0 |
CGAL | 4.14.3,4.14.3,5.2,5.2.4,5.5.2 |
CLHEP |, |
CMake | 3.18.4,3.18.4,3.20.1,3.24.3,3.29.3 |
COMSOL | 5.2a,5.2a |
CONN | 22a |
CP2K | 8.1 |
CPPE | 0.3.1 |
CREST | 3.0.1,3.0.2 |
CTFFIND | 4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14 |
CUDA | 10.1.243,11.1.1,11.3.1,11.8.0,12.0.0,12.1.1,12.6.0 |
CUDAcore | 11.1.1,11.3.1 |
CUnit | 2.1 |
Cartopy | 0.20.3,0.22.0 |
Catch2 | 2.13.10 |
Cbc | 2.10.5 |
CellRanger | 3.0.2,6.1.2,7.0.0,7.0.1,7.1.0,7.2.0,8.0.1 |
CellRanger-ARC | 2.0.2 |
Cereal | 1.3.2,1.3.2 |
Cgl | 0.60.7 |
CharLS | 2.2.0,2.4.2 |
CheMPS2 | 1.8.12 |
Check | 0.15.2,0.15.2 |
Chimera | 1.16 |
ChimeraX | 1.6.1,1.7,1.8 |
Clang | 11.0.1,13.0.1,15.0.5,16.0.4,16.0.4 |
Clp | 1.17.8 |
Code-Server | 4.7.0,4.7.0,4.16.1,4.17.0 |
CoinUtils | 2.11.9 |
Compress-Raw-Zlib | 2.202,2.202 |
CoordgenLibs | 3.0.2 |
Coot | 0.9.7, |
CppUnit | 1.15.1 |
Cufflinks | 20190706 |
Cython | 0.29.22,3.0.8,3.0.10 |
Cytoscape | 3.9.1 |
DB | 18.1.40,18.1.40 |
DBD-mysql | 4.050,4.050 |
DB_File | 1.855 |
DBus | 1.13.18,1.15.2 |
DIAMOND | 2.0.15,2.1.7 |
DMTCP | 3.0.0,3.0.0 |
DSSP | 4.2.1,4.4.7 |
Dice | 20240101 |
Doxygen | 1.8.20,1.9.5 |
EDirect | 20.4.20230912,20.5.20231006,22.8.20241011 |
EIGENSOFT | 7.2.1 |
ELPA | 2020.11.001,2020.11.001,2021.11.001,2022.05.001 |
EMAN | 1.9 |
EMAN2 | 2.91,2.99.47 |
EMBOSS | 6.6.0 |
ESM-2 | 2.0.0 |
ESMF | 8.3.0,8.3.0 |
EasyBuild | 4.6.2,4.7.0,4.7.1,4.7.2,4.8.0,4.8.1,4.8.2,4.9.0,4.9.1,4.9.2,4.9.3 |
Eigen | 3.3.8,3.3.9,3.4.0,3.4.0,3.4.0 |
El-MAVEN | 0.12.1beta |
Emacs | 28.1,28.2 |
ExifTool | 12.58,12.70 |
Exodus | 20240403,20240403 |
FASTX-Toolkit | 0.0.14 |
FFTW | 2.1.5,2.1.5,2.1.5,2.1.5,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10 |
FFTW.MPI | 3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10 |
FFmpeg | 4.3.1,5.1.2 |
FHI-aims | 231212_1 |
FLAC | 1.3.3,1.4.2 |
FLASH | 2.2.00 |
FLTK | 1.3.5,1.3.8 |
FRE-NCtools | 2024.05 |
FSL |,, |
FTGL | 2.3,2.4.0 |
Faiss | 1.7.4 |
FastME | |
FastQC | 0.11.9,0.12.1 |
FastUniq | 1.1 |
Fiji | 2.14.0,20221201,20230801 |
Fiona | 1.9.2 |
Flask | 2.2.3 |
FlexiBLAS | 3.2.1,3.2.1,3.4.4 |
FragGeneScan | 1.31 |
FreeImage | 3.18.0,3.18.0 |
FreeSurfer | dev,dev,7.3.2,7.4.1 |
FreeXL | 2.0.0 |
FriBidi | 1.0.10,1.0.12 |
GATK | 3.8,,,,, |
GCC | 10.2.0,12.2.0,13.3.0 |
GCCcore | 7.3.0,10.2.0,12.2.0,13.3.0 |
GCTA | 1.94.1 |
GConf | 3.2.6 |
GDAL | 3.2.1,3.6.2 |
GDB | 10.1,13.2 |
GDCM | 3.0.21 |
GDRCopy | 2.1,2.3,2.3.1,2.4.1 |
GEOS | 3.9.1,3.11.1 |
GL2PS | 1.4.2,1.4.2 |
GLM | |
GLPK | 4.65,5.0 |
GLib | 2.66.1,2.75.0 |
GLibmm | 2.49.7 |
GMP | 6.2.0,6.2.1 |
GObject-Introspection | 1.66.1,1.66.1,1.74.0 |
GRASS | 8.2.0 |
GROMACS | 2021.5,2023.3 |
GSEA | 4.3.2 |
GSL | 2.5,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.7,2.7,2.7 |
GST-libav | 1.18.4,1.22.1 |
GST-plugins-bad | 1.22.5 |
GST-plugins-base | 1.18.4,1.18.4,1.22.1,1.22.1 |
GST-plugins-good | 1.18.4,1.22.1 |
GStreamer | 1.18.4,1.18.4,1.22.1,1.22.1 |
GTK+ | 3.24.23 |
GTK2 | 2.24.33 |
GTK3 | 3.24.35 |
GTK4 | 4.11.3 |
GTS | 0.7.6 |
Garfield++ | 5.0 |
Gaussian | 16,16 |
Gctf | 1.18,1.18 |
Gdk-Pixbuf | 2.40.0,2.40.0,2.42.10 |
Geant4 | 10.7.1 |
Geant4-data | 11.3 |
GenomeTools | 1.6.1 |
Ghostscript | 9.53.3,10.0.0 |
GitPython | 3.1.31 |
Globus-CLI | 3.18.0,3.30.1 |
GnuTLS | 3.7.8 |
Go | 1.17.6,1.21.1,1.21.4,1.22.1 |
Grace | 5.1.25 |
Gradle | 8.6 |
Graphene | 1.10.8 |
GraphicsMagick | 1.3.36 |
Graphviz | 2.47.0 |
Guile | 2.2.7,3.0.9,3.0.9 |
Gurobi | 9.1.2,10.0.3 |
HDF | 4.2.15,4.2.15 |
HDF5 | 1.10.7,1.10.7,1.10.7,1.10.7,1.14.0,1.14.0,1.14.0,1.14.0 |
HDFView | 3.3.1 |
HH-suite | 3.3.0,3.3.0,3.3.0 |
HISAT-3N | 20221013 |
HISAT2 | 2.2.1 |
HMMER | 3.3.2,3.3.2,3.4 |
HOOMD-blue | 4.9.1,4.9.1 |
HPCG | 3.1,3.1,3.1,3.1 |
HPL | 2.3,2.3,2.3,2.3 |
HTSeq | 0.13.5 |
HTSlib | 1.11,1.11,1.12,1.16,1.17,1.21 |
HarfBuzz | 2.6.7,5.3.1 |
Harminv | 1.4.1,1.4.2 |
HepMC3 | 3.2.6 |
Highway | 1.0.3 |
HyPhy | 2.5.62 |
Hypre | 2.20.0,2.27.0 |
ICU | 67.1,72.1,75.1 |
IDBA-UD | 1.1.3 |
IGV | 2.16.0,2.16.2,2.17.4,2.19.1 |
IMOD | 4.11.15,4.11.16,4.11.24_RHEL7,4.11.24,4.12.56_RHEL7,4.12.62_RHEL8 |
IOR | 4.0.0,4.0.0 |
IPython | 7.18.1,8.14.0 |
IQ-TREE | 2.1.2 |
ISA-L | 2.30.0 |
ISL | 0.23,0.26 |
ImageMagick | 7.0.10,7.1.0 |
Imath | 3.1.6 |
Infernal | 1.1.4 |
IsoNet | 0.2.1 |
JAGS | 4.3.0,4.3.2 |
Jansson | 2.14 |
JasPer | 2.0.24,4.0.0 |
Java | 1.8.345,8.345,11.0.16,17.0.4,21.0.2 |
JsonCpp | 1.9.4,1.9.5 |
Judy | 1.0.5,1.0.5 |
Julia | 1.8.2,1.8.5,1.9.2,1.10.0,1.10.2,1.10.4,1.11.1 |
Jupyter-bundle | 20230823 |
JupyterHub | 4.0.1 |
JupyterLab | 2.2.8,4.0.3 |
JupyterNotebook | 7.0.3 |
KaHIP | 3.14 |
Kalign | 3.3.1,3.4.0 |
Kent_tools | 411,461 |
Knitro | 12.0.0,14.0.0 |
Kraken2 | 2.1.3 |
LAME | 3.100,3.100 |
LAMMPS | 2Aug2023,23Jun2022 |
LDC | 0.17.6,1.25.1 |
LERC | 4.0.0 |
LHAPDF | 6.5.4 |
LLVM | 11.0.0,14.0.6,15.0.5,16.0.4 |
LMDB | 0.9.24,0.9.29 |
LSD2 | 2.2 |
LZO | 2.10,2.10 |
Leptonica | 1.83.0 |
LibSoup | 3.0.8 |
LibTIFF | 4.1.0,4.2.0,4.4.0 |
Libint | 2.6.0 |
LittleCMS | 2.11,2.14 |
Lua | 5.4.2,5.4.4 |
M4 | 1.4.17,1.4.18,1.4.18,1.4.18,1.4.19,1.4.19,1.4.19 |
MACS2 |,, |
MACS3 | 3.0.1 |
MAFFT | 7.475,7.505 |
MAGeCK | |
MATIO | 1.5.23 |
MATLAB | 2018b,2020b,2022a,2022b,2023a,2023b |
MCL | 14.137 |
MCR | R2019b.8,R2020b.5,R2021b.6,R2022a.6,R2023a |
MDI | 1.4.16 |
MEME | 5.4.1 |
METIS | 5.1.0,5.1.0,5.1.0 |
MINC | 2.4.06 |
MMseqs2 | 13,14 |
MPB | 1.11.1 |
MPC | 1.2.1,1.3.1 |
MPFR | 4.1.0,4.2.0 |
MPICH | 4.2.1 |
MRIcron | 1.0.20190902 |
MRtrix3 | 3.0.2 |
MUMPS | 5.3.5,5.6.1 |
MUMmer | 4.0.0rc1 |
MUSCLE | 5.1 |
MadGraph5_aMC | 2.9.16 |
MafFilter | 1.3.1 |
Mako | 1.1.3,1.2.4 |
MariaDB | 10.5.8,10.11.2 |
Markdown | 3.6 |
Mathematica | 13.0.1 |
Maven | 3.9.2 |
MaxBin | 2.2.7 |
MaxQuant |,, |
Meep | 1.24.0,1.26.0 |
Mercurial | 5.7.1 |
Mesa | 20.2.1,21.3.3,22.2.4 |
MeshLab | 2023.12 |
Meson | 0.55.3,0.62.1,0.64.0,1.3.1,1.4.0 |
Metal | 2020 |
MitoGraph | 3.0 |
Mono |, |
MotionCor2 | 1.5.0,1.6.4 |
MotionCor3 | 1.0.1 |
MrBayes | 3.2.6,3.2.7 |
MultiQC | 1.10.1 |
NAG | 29 |
NAMD | 2.14,2.14,2.14,2.14 |
NASM | 2.15.05,2.15.05 |
NBO | 7.0 |
NCCL | 2.8.3,2.8.4,2.10.3,2.16.2,2.16.2,2.16.2,2.18.3,2.23.4 |
NCO | 5.2.1,5.2.1 |
NECI | 20230620 |
NEdit | 5.7 |
NGS | 2.10.9 |
NIfTI | 2.0.0 |
NLopt | 2.6.2,2.6.2,2.7.0,2.7.1 |
NSPR | 4.29,4.35 |
NSS | 3.57,3.85 |
NVHPC | 21.11,21.11,23.1,24.9 |
Net-core | 3.1.101 |
NetLogo | 6.4.0 |
Netpbm | 10.86.41 |
Nextflow | 22.10.6,23.04.2,23.10.1,24.04.2,24.04.4 |
Ninja | 1.10.1,1.11.1,1.12.1 |
ORCA | 5.0.3,5.0.3,5.0.4,5.0.4,6.0.0,6.0.1 |
OSU-Micro-Benchmarks | 5.7,5.7,6.2,6.2 |
OligoArray | 2.1 |
OligoArrayAux | 3.8 |
OpenBLAS | 0.3.12,0.3.21,0.3.21,0.3.27 |
OpenBabel | 3.1.1 |
OpenCV | 4.5.1,4.8.0 |
OpenEXR | 2.5.5,3.1.5 |
OpenFOAM | v2012,v2206,v2212 |
OpenJPEG | 2.4.0,2.5.0 |
OpenLibm | 0.7.5 |
OpenMM | 7.5.0,7.5.1,7.5.1,7.5.1,7.7.0,8.0.0 |
OpenMPI | 4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.1.4,4.1.4,4.1.4 |
OpenPGM | 5.2.122,5.2.122 |
OpenSSL | 1.0,1.1,3 |
OpenSlide | 3.4.1 |
OpenSlide-Java | 0.12.4 |
OrthoFinder | 2.5.4 |
Osi | 0.108.8 |
PALEOMIX | 1.3.8 |
PAML | 4.10.7 |
PBZIP2 | 1.1.13 |
PCRE | 8.44,8.45 |
PCRE2 | 10.35,10.40 |
PDBFixer | 1.7 |
PEAR | 0.9.11 |
PEET | 1.15.0,1.16.0a |
PETSc | 3.15.0,3.17.4,3.20.3 |
PGI | 18.10,18.10 |
PIPseeker | 2.1.4 |
PLINK | 1.9b_6.21,2_avx2_20221024 |
PLUMED | 2.6.2,2.7.0,2.7.3,2.9.0,2.9.2 |
PMIx | 5.0.2 |
POV-Ray |, |
PRINSEQ | 0.20.4 |
PROJ | 7.2.1,9.1.1 |
PRRTE | 3.0.5 |
PYTHIA | 8.309 |
Pandoc | 2.13,3.1.2 |
Pango | 1.47.0,1.50.12 |
ParMETIS | 4.0.3 |
ParaView | 5.8.1,5.11.0 |
PartitionFinder | 2.1.1 |
Perl | 5.28.0,5.32.0,5.32.0,5.32.1,5.36.0,5.36.0,5.36.1,5.38.0,5.38.2 |
Perl-bundle-CPAN | 5.36.1 |
Phenix | 1.20.1,1.20.1 |
PhyloBayes | 4.1e |
Pillow | 8.0.1,9.4.0 |
Pillow-SIMD | 7.1.2,9.5.0 |
Pint | 0.22 |
PnetCDF | 1.12.2,1.12.3,1.13.0,1.13.0 |
PostgreSQL | 13.2,15.2 |
PuLP | 2.7.0 |
PyBLP | 1.1.0 |
PyBerny | 0.6.3 |
PyCairo | 1.24.0 |
PyCharm | 2022.3.2,2024.3.2 |
PyCheMPS2 | 1.8.12 |
PyGObject | 3.44.1 |
PyInstaller | 6.3.0 |
PyOpenGL | 3.1.5,3.1.6 |
PyQt5 | 5.15.4,5.15.7 |
PySCF | 2.4.0 |
PyTables | 3.5.2,3.8.0 |
PyTorch | 1.9.0,1.13.1,2.1.2,2.1.2 |
PyYAML | 5.3.1,6.0 |
PycURL | 7.45.2 |
Pylada-light | 2023Oct13 |
Pysam |,,,0.21.0 |
Python | 2.7.18,2.7.18,3.8.6,3.8.6,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.12.3 |
Python-bundle-PyPI | 2023.06,2024.06 |
QCA | 2.3.5 |
QScintilla | 2.11.6 |
QTLtools | 1.3.1 |
Qhull | 2020.2,2020.2 |
Qt5 | 5.14.2,5.15.7 |
Qt5Webkit | 5.212.0,5.212.0 |
QtKeychain | 0.13.2 |
QtPy | 2.3.0 |
Qtconsole | 5.4.0 |
QuPath | 0.5.0,0.5.1 |
QuantumESPRESSO | 6.8,7.0,7.2 |
Quip | 1.1.8,1.1.8,20171217 |
Qwt | 6.1.5,6.2.0 |
R | 4.2.0,4.2.0,4.3.2,4.3.2,4.4.1,4.4.1 |
R-INLA | 24.01.18 |
R-bundle-Bioconductor | 3.15,3.16,3.18,3.19 |
R-bundle-CRAN | 2023.12,2024.06 |
RDKit | 2022.09.5 |
RE2 | 2023 |
RECON | 1.08 |
RELION | 3.0.8,3.1.4,3.1.4,3.1.4,4.0.0,4.0.1,4.0.1,5beta,5beta,5.0.0 |
RELION-composite-masks | 5.0.0 |
RMBlast | 2.11.0 |
ROOT | 6.26.06,6.26.10 |
RSEM | 1.3.3 |
RStudio | 2022.07.2,2022.12.0,2024.04.2 |
RStudio-Server | 2024.04.1+748 |
RapidJSON | 1.1.0,1.1.0 |
Regenie | 4.0 |
RepeatMasker | 4.1.2 |
RepeatScout | 1.0.6 |
ResMap | 1.95 |
RevBayes | 1.1.1,1.2.1,1.2.2,1.2.2 |
Rivet | 3.1.9 |
Rmath | 4.0.4,4.4.1 |
Rosetta | 3.12 |
Ruby | 2.7.2,3.0.5,3.2.2 |
Rust | 1.52.1,1.65.0,1.70.0,1.75.0,1.78.0 |
SAMtools | 1.11,1.11,1.16,1.16.1,1.18,1.20,1.21 |
SAS | 9.4M8,9.4 |
SBGrid | 2.11.2 |
SCOTCH | 6.1.0,7.0.3 |
SCons | 4.0.1,4.5.2 |
SDL2 | 2.0.14,2.26.3 |
SHAPEIT | 2.r904.glibcv2.17 |
SHAPEIT4 | 4.2.2 |
SLEPc | 3.15.0,3.17.2 |
SMRT-Link |,12.0.0 |
SOCI | 4.0.3,4.0.3 |
SPAGeDi | 1.5d |
SPAdes | 3.15.1,3.15.5 |
SPM | 12.5_r7771 |
SQLite | 3.33.0,3.39.4,3.45.3 |
SRA-Toolkit | 2.10.9,3.0.10,3.1.1,3.1.1 |
STAR | 2.7.6a,2.7.7a,2.7.8a,2.7.9a,2.7.11a,2.7.11a |
STREAM | 5.10 |
SWIG | 4.0.2,4.1.1 |
Salmon | 1.4.0 |
Sambamba | 0.8.0 |
ScaFaCoS | 1.0.1,1.0.4 |
ScaLAPACK | 2.1.0,2.1.0,2.2.0,2.2.0,2.2.0 |
SciPy-bundle | 2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2021.05,2023.02,2024.05 |
Seaborn | 0.12.2,0.13.2 |
Seq-Gen | 1.3.4 |
SeqKit | 2.3.1,2.8.1 |
Serf | 1.3.9,1.3.9 |
Shapely | 1.8.5.post1,2.0.1 |
Sherpa | 3.0.0 |
Slicer | 5.6.2 |
SpaceRanger | 2.1.1 |
Spark | 3.1.1,3.1.1,3.5.0,3.5.0,3.5.1,3.5.3,3.5.4 |
SpectrA | 1.0.0,1.0.1 |
Stacks | 2.59 |
Stata | 17 |
StringTie | 2.1.4 |
Subread | 2.0.3 |
Subversion | 1.14.0,1.14.3 |
SuiteSparse | 5.8.1,5.13.0 |
Summovie | 1.0.2 |
SuperLU_DIST | 8.1.2 |
Szip | 2.1.1,2.1.1 |
TOMO3D | 01 |
TOPAS | 3.9 |
TRF | 4.09.1 |
TRUST4 | 1.0.7 |
TWL-NINJA | 0.97 |
Tcl | 8.6.10,8.6.12,8.6.14 |
TensorFlow | 2.5.0,2.7.1,2.13.0,2.15.1 |
TensorRT | 8.6.1 |
Tk | 8.6.10,8.6.12 |
Tkinter | 3.8.6,3.10.8 |
TopHat | 2.1.2,2.1.2 |
TotalView | 2023.3.10 |
TreeMix | 1.13 |
Trilinos | 13.4.1 |
Trim_Galore | 0.6.7 |
Trimmomatic | 0.39 |
UCC | 1.1.0,1.3.0 |
UCC-CUDA | 1.1.0,1.1.0,1.3.0 |
UCX | 1.9.0,1.9.0,1.10.0,1.13.1,1.16.0 |
UCX-CUDA | 1.10.0,1.13.1,1.13.1,1.13.1,1.16.0 |
UDUNITS | 2.2.26,2.2.28 |
USEARCH | 11.0.667 |
UnZip | 6.0,6.0,6.0 |
Unblur | 1.0.2 |
VASP | 5.4.1,5.4.4,5.4.4,6.3.0,6.4.2 |
VASPsol | 5.4.1 |
VCFtools | 0.1.16 |
VDJtools | 1.2.1 |
VEP | 107,110,112,112.0 |
VESTA | 3.5.8 |
VMD | 1.9.4a57 |
VSCode | 1.95.3,1.96.2,1.96.4 |
VTK | 9.0.1,9.0.1,9.2.6 |
VTune | 2023.2.0 |
Valgrind | 3.16.1,3.21.0 |
ViennaRNA | 2.5.1 |
Vim | 9.0.1434 |
VisPy | 0.12.2 |
Voro++ | 0.4.6,0.4.6 |
WRF | 4.4.1 |
Wannier90 | 3.1.0,3.1.0 |
Wayland | 1.22.0 |
Waylandpp | 1.0.0 |
WebKitGTK+ | 2.40.4 |
X11 | 20201008,20221110 |
XCFun | 2.1.1 |
XGBoost | 2.1.1,2.1.1 |
XML-LibXML | 2.0206,2.0208 |
XMedCon | 0.25.0 |
XZ | 5.2.5,5.2.7,5.4.5 |
Xerces-C++ | 3.1.4,3.2.3,3.2.4 |
Xvfb | 1.20.9,21.1.6 |
YODA | 1.9.9 |
Yasm | 1.3.0,1.3.0 |
Z3 | 4.8.10,4.10.2,4.12.2,4.12.2 |
ZeroMQ | 4.3.3,4.3.4 |
Zip | 3.0,3.0 |
aiohttp | 3.8.5 |
alibuild | 1.17.11 |
angsd | 0.940 |
anndata | 0.10.5.post1 |
annovar | 2019Oct24,20200607 |
ant | 1.10.9,1.10.12,1.10.12 |
archspec | 0.1.2,0.2.0 |
aria2 | 1.35.0,1.36.0 |
arpack-ng | 3.8.0,3.8.0,3.8.0 |
arrow-R |,,,16.1.0 |
at-spi2-atk | 2.38.0,2.38.0 |
at-spi2-core | 2.38.0,2.46.0 |
attr | 2.4.48,2.5.1 |
attrdict3 | 2.0.2 |
awscli | 2.1.23,2.13.20,2.15.2 |
bases2Fastq | v1.5.1,v1.5.1,v2.0.0 |
bcl2fastq2 | 2.20.0,2.20.0 |
beagle-lib | 3.1.2,3.1.2,3.1.2,3.1.2,4.0.0,4.0.1 |
binutils | 2.28,2.30,2.30,2.35,2.35,2.39,2.39,2.40,2.42,2.42 |
biswebnode | 1.3.0 |
bokeh | 2.2.3,2.2.3,3.2.1 |
boto3 | 1.20.13,1.26.163 |
breseq | 0.35.5,0.38.0,0.38.1 |
bsddb3 | 6.2.9,6.2.9 |
bzip2 | 1.0.8,1.0.8,1.0.8 |
c-ares | 1.19.1 |
cURL | 7.55.1,7.72.0,7.86.0,7.86.0,8.7.1 |
cairo | 1.16.0,1.16.0,1.17.4 |
ccache | 4.6.3 |
cffi | 1.16.0 |
code-server | 4.91.1,4.95.3 |
configurable-http-proxy | 4.5.5 |
cppy | 1.2.1 |
cromwell | 86 |
cryptography | 41.0.1,42.0.8 |
cuDNN |,,,,, |
cuTENSOR |, |
cutadapt | 3.4 |
cxxopts | 3.0.0 |
cyrus-sasl | 2.1.28 |
dSQ | 1.05 |
dask | 2021.2.0,2021.2.0,2023.7.1 |
dbus-glib | 0.112 |
dcm2niix | 1.0.20211006,1.0.20230411 |
dedalus | 3.0.2 |
deepTools | 3.5.1,3.5.5 |
deml | 1.1.4 |
dftd4 | 3.4.0 |
dill | 0.3.7 |
dlib | 19.22,19.22,19.22 |
dorado | 0.5.3 |
dotNET-Core | 7.0.410 |
dotNET-SDK | 3.1.300 |
double-conversion | 3.1.5,3.2.1 |
dtcmp | 1.1.2,1.1.4 |
ecBuild | 3.8.0 |
ecCodes | 2.31.0 |
einops | 0.7.0 |
elbencho | 2.0,3.0 |
elfutils | 0.183,0.189 |
eman | |
enchant-2 | 2.3.3 |
ensmallen | 2.21.1,2.21.1 |
exiv2 | 0.27.5,0.28.0 |
expat | 2.2.5,2.2.9,2.4.9,2.6.2 |
expecttest | 0.1.3 |
fastjet | 3.4.0 |
fastjet-contrib | 1.049 |
fastp | 0.23.2 |
ffnvcodec | |
file | 5.39,5.43 |
flatbuffers | 1.12.0,23.1.4,23.5.26 |
flatbuffers-python | 1.12,2.0,23.1.4,23.5.26 |
flex | 2.6.3,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4 |
flit | 3.9.0,3.9.0 |
fmriprep | 23.1.0,23.1.4,23.2.1,24.1.0 |
fontconfig | 2.13.92,2.14.1 |
foss | 2020b,2022b,2024a |
fosscuda | 2020b |
freeglut | 3.2.1,3.4.0 |
freetype | 2.10.3,2.10.3,2.12.1 |
gc | 8.0.4,8.2.2,8.2.4 |
gcccuda | 2020b,2022b |
gcloud | 382.0.0,494.0.0 |
gettext |,0.21,0.21,0.21.1,0.21.1,0.22.5,0.22.5 |
gfbf | 2022b,2024a |
gflags | 2.2.2 |
giflib | 5.2.1,5.2.1 |
git | 2.28.0,2.30.0,2.38.1,2.45.1 |
git-lfs | 3.2.0,3.5.1 |
glew | 2.1.0,2.2.0 |
glib-networking | 2.72.1 |
glibc | 2.34 |
gmpy2 | 2.1.0b5,2.1.5 |
gmsh | 4.11.1,4.11.1 |
gnuplot | 5.4.1,5.4.6 |
gomkl | 2022b |
gompi | 2020b,2022b,2024a |
gompic | 2020b |
googletest | 1.10.0,1.12.1 |
gperf | 3.1,3.1 |
gperftools | 2.14 |
gpu_burn | 20231110 |
graphite2 | 1.3.14,1.3.14 |
groff | 1.22.4,1.22.4 |
grpcio | 1.59.3 |
gsutil | 4.42,5.10 |
gzip | 1.10,1.12,1.13 |
h5py | 3.1.0,3.1.0,3.2.1,3.8.0 |
hatchling | 1.18.0,1.24.2 |
help2man | 1.47.4,1.47.16,1.49.2,1.49.3 |
hiredis | 1.2.0 |
hmmlearn | 0.3.0 |
hunspell | 1.7.1 |
hwloc | 2.2.0,2.8.0,2.10.0 |
hypothesis | 5.41.2,5.41.5,6.1.1,6.68.2,6.103.1 |
iccifort | 2020.4.304 |
igraph | 0.9.5,0.10.4,0.10.4,0.10.6,0.10.6,0.10.10 |
iimkl | 2022b |
iimpi | 2020b,2022b,2024a |
imageio | 2.9.0,2.31.1 |
imgaug | 0.4.0 |
imkl | 2020.4.304,2020.4.304,2020.4.304,2022.2.1,2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
imkl-FFTW | 2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
impi | 2019.9.304,2021.7.1,2021.13.0 |
inih | 57 |
intel | 2020b,2022b,2024a |
intel-compilers | 2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
intltool | 0.51.0,0.51.0 |
iomkl | 2020b,2022b |
iompi | 2020b,2022b |
jax | 0.2.19,0.3.25,0.4.25,0.4.25 |
jbigkit | 2.1,2.1 |
jemalloc | 5.2.1,5.3.0 |
json-c | 0.16 |
json-fortran | 8.3.0 |
jupyter-resource-usage | 1.0.0 |
jupyter-server | 2.7.0 |
jupyter-server-proxy | 3.2.2 |
jupyterlmod | 4.0.3 |
kallisto | 0.48.0 |
kim-api | 2.2.1,2.3.0 |
kineto | 0.4.0 |
leidenalg | 0.8.8,0.10.2 |
lftp | 4.9.2 |
libGDSII | 0.21 |
libGLU | 9.0.1,9.0.2 |
libGridXC | 0.9.6 |
libPSML | 1.1.10 |
libRmath | 4.1.0 |
libXp | 1.0.3 |
libaec | 1.0.6,1.0.6 |
libaio | 0.3.112,0.3.113 |
libarchive | 3.4.3,3.6.1,3.7.4 |
libavif | 0.11.1,0.11.1 |
libcerf | 1.14,2.3 |
libcifpp | 5.0.6,7.0.3 |
libcint | 5.5.0 |
libcircle | 0.3,0.3 |
libctl | 4.5.1 |
libdap | 3.20.11 |
libdeflate | 1.7,1.15 |
libdrm | 2.4.102,2.4.114 |
libepoxy | 1.5.4,1.5.10 |
libev | 4.33 |
libevent | 2.1.12,2.1.12,2.1.12 |
libexif | 0.6.24,0.6.24 |
libfabric | 1.11.0,1.16.1,1.21.0 |
libffi | 3.3,3.4.4,3.4.5 |
libgcrypt | 1.10.1 |
libgd | 2.3.0,2.3.1,2.3.3 |
libgdiplus | 6.1,6.1 |
libgeotiff | 1.6.0,1.7.1 |
libgit2 | 1.1.0,1.5.0 |
libglvnd | 1.3.2,1.6.0 |
libgpg-error | 1.46 |
libharu | 2.3.0 |
libiconv | 1.16,1.17,1.17 |
libidn | 1.41 |
libidn2 | 2.3.0,2.3.2 |
libjpeg-turbo | 2.0.5,2.1.4 |
libleidenalg | 0.11.1,0.11.1,0.11.1 |
libmcfp | 1.2.2,1.3.3 |
libnsl | 2.0.0 |
libogg | 1.3.4,1.3.5 |
libopus | 1.3.1 |
libpci | 3.7.0 |
libpciaccess | 0.16,0.17,0.18.1 |
libpng | 1.2.59,1.5.30,1.6.37,1.6.38 |
libpsl | 0.21.1 |
libreadline | 8.0,8.2,8.2 |
librsvg | 2.51.2 |
librttopo | 1.1.0 |
libsigc++ | 2.10.8 |
libsndfile | 1.0.28,1.2.0 |
libsodium | 1.0.18,1.0.18 |
libspatialindex | 1.9.3 |
libspatialite | 5.0.1 |
libtasn1 | 4.19.0 |
libtirpc | 1.3.1,1.3.3 |
libtool | 2.4.6,2.4.7,2.4.7 |
libunistring | 0.9.10,1.1,1.1 |
libunwind | 1.4.0,1.6.2 |
libvorbis | 1.3.7,1.3.7 |
libwebkitgtk-1.0 | |
libwebp | 1.1.0,1.3.1 |
libwpe | 1.14.1 |
libxc | 4.3.4,4.3.4,5.1.2,5.1.5,6.1.0,6.1.0 |
libxml++ | 2.40.1 |
libxml2 | 2.9.10,2.9.14,2.10.3,2.12.7 |
libxslt | 1.1.34,1.1.37 |
libxsmm | 1.16.1 |
libyaml | 0.2.5,0.2.5 |
libzip | 1.9.2 |
liftOver | 2023 |
loompy | 3.0.7 |
lpsolve | |
lwgrp | 1.0.3,1.0.5 |
lxml | 4.9.2 |
lz4 | 1.9.2,1.9.4,1.9.4 |
maeparser | 1.3.1 |
magma | 2.5.4,2.7.1,2.7.1 |
make | 4.3,4.3,4.4.1,4.4.1 |
makeinfo | 6.7,6.7,7.0.3 |
mapDamage | 2.2.1 |
matlab-proxy | 0.12.1,0.13.1,0.14.0,0.15.1,0.18.2,0.19.0 |
matplotlib | 3.3.3,3.3.3,3.3.3,3.7.0 |
maturin | 1.1.0,1.4.0,1.6.0 |
mctc-lib | 0.3.1 |
meson-python | 0.11.0,0.15.0,0.16.0 |
mfold_util | 4.7 |
mgltools | |
miniconda | 22.9.0,22.11.1,23.1.0,23.3.1,23.5.2,24.3.0,24.3.0,24.7.1,24.9.2 |
minimap2 | 2.22 |
minizip | 1.1 |
ml_dtypes | 0.3.1 |
mlpack | 4.3.0,4.3.0 |
mm-common | 1.0.4 |
mongolite | 20240424,20240424 |
morphosamplers | 0.0.10 |
motif | 2.3.8,2.3.8 |
mpi4py | 3.1.4 |
mpifileutils | 0.11.1,0.11.1 |
mrc | 1.3.6,1.3.13 |
mrcfile | 1.3.0,1.5.0 |
mstore | 0.2.0 |
muParser | 2.3.4 |
multicharge | 0.2.0 |
nanobind | 2.1.0 |
napari | 0.4.18 |
nbclassic | 1.0.0 |
ncbi-vdb | 2.10.9,3.0.10,3.1.1 |
ncdu | 1.18 |
ncompress | |
ncurses | 5.9,5.9,6.0,6.2,6.2,6.3,6.3,6.5,6.5 |
ncview | 2.1.8,2.1.8 |
nedit-ng | 2020.1 |
netCDF | 4.6.1,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.9.0,4.9.0,4.9.0 |
netCDF-C++ | 4.2 |
netCDF-C++4 | 4.3.1,4.3.1 |
netCDF-Fortran | 4.4.4,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.6.0,4.6.0,4.6.0 |
netcdf4-python | 1.6.3 |
nettle | 3.6,3.8.1 |
networkx | 2.5,2.5,2.5.1,3.0 |
nf-core | 2.14.1 |
nghttp2 | 1.48.0 |
nghttp3 | 0.6.0 |
ngtcp2 | 0.7.0 |
nlohmann_json | 3.11.2 |
nodejs | 12.19.0,18.12.1,20.11.1 |
nsync | 1.24.0,1.26.0 |
numactl | 2.0.13,2.0.16,2.0.18 |
numba | 0.58.1 |
nvofbf | 2023.01 |
nvompi | 2023.01 |
occt | 7.5.0p1,7.5.0p1 |
p11-kit | 0.24.1 |
p7zip | 17.04 |
pam-devel | 1.3.1 |
parallel | 20210322 |
parameterized | 0.9.0 |
patchelf | 0.12,0.17.2,0.18.0 |
phonopy | 2.27.0 |
phyx | 1.3 |
picard | 2.18.14,2.25.6 |
pigz | 2.6,2.7 |
pixman | 0.40.0,0.42.2 |
pkg-config | 0.29.2,0.29.2 |
pkgconf | 1.8.0,1.8.0,1.9.3,2.2.0 |
pkgconfig | 1.5.1,1.5.5 |
plotly.py | 4.14.3,5.13.1 |
pocl | 1.6,1.8,5.0 |
poetry | 1.5.1,1.7.1,1.8.3 |
poppler | 21.06.1,21.06.1,22.12.0 |
popt | 1.16 |
postgis | 3.4.2 |
printproto | 1.0.5 |
prompt-toolkit | 3.0.36 |
protobuf | 3.14.0,3.19.4,23.0 |
protobuf-python | 3.14.0,3.19.4,4.23.0 |
psycopg2 | 2.9.9 |
pugixml | 1.12.1 |
py-cpuinfo | 9.0.0 |
py3Dmol | 2.0.1.post1,2.1.0 |
pyFFTW | 0.13.1 |
pySCENIC | 0.12.1 |
pybind11 | 2.6.0,2.6.2,2.10.3,2.12.0,2.12.0 |
pydantic | 2.5.3 |
pyfaidx | |
pyproj | 3.5.0 |
pytest | 7.4.2 |
pytest-flakefinder | 1.1.0 |
pytest-rerunfailures | 12.0 |
pytest-shard | 0.1.2 |
pytest-workflow | 2.0.1 |
pytest-xdist | 2.3.0,3.3.1 |
python-igraph | 0.9.8,0.11.4 |
python-isal | 0.11.1 |
qrupdate | 1.1.2 |
rMATS-turbo | 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.2.0 |
rasterio | 1.3.8 |
re2c | 2.0.3,3.0 |
rpmrebuild | 2.16,2.18 |
ruamel.yaml | 0.17.21,0.17.21 |
samblaster | 0.1.26 |
scanpy | 1.9.8 |
scikit-build | 0.11.1,0.11.1,0.17.2,0.17.6 |
scikit-build-core | 0.9.3 |
scikit-image | 0.18.1,0.18.1,0.18.3,0.21.0 |
scikit-learn | 0.20.4,0.23.2,0.23.2,0.24.1,1.2.1 |
segemehl | 0.3.4 |
seqtk | 1.3 |
setuptools | 64.0.3 |
setuptools-rust | 1.9.0 |
shRNA | 0.1 |
siscone | 3.0.5 |
slurm-drmaa | 1.1.3 |
snakemake | 7.32.3 |
snappy | 1.1.8,1.1.9,1.1.10 |
sparsehash | 2.0.4 |
spglib-python | 2.0.2,2.3.1 |
statsmodels | 0.12.1,0.14.0 |
sympy | 1.7.1,1.12 |
t-SNE-CUDA | 3.0.1 |
tabix | 0.2.6 |
tbb | 2020.3,2021.9.0,2021.10.0,2021.13.0 |
tcsh | 6.22.03,6.24.07 |
tensorboard | 2.15.1 |
tesseract | 5.3.0,5.3.0 |
texlive | 20220321,20220321,20220321 |
time | 1.9 |
tmux | 3.4 |
topaz | 0.2.5, |
torchvision | 0.10.0,0.16.0 |
tqdm | 4.56.2,4.60.0,4.64.1 |
ttyd | 1.7.7 |
typing-extensions |,4.9.0 |
umap-learn | 0.5.3 |
unifdef | 2.12 |
unrar | 7.0.1 |
utf8proc | 2.5.0,2.8.0 |
util-linux | 2.36,2.38.1 |
virtualenv | 20.23.1,20.26.2 |
watershed-workflow | 1.4.0,1.4.0,1.5.0 |
wget | 1.20.3 |
wpebackend-fdo | 1.14.1 |
wrapt | 1.15.0 |
wxPython | 4.2.1 |
wxWidgets | 3.1.4,3.1.4,3.2.0, |
x264 | 20201026,20230226 |
x265 | 3.3,3.5 |
xarray | 2023.4.2,2023.4.2 |
xextproto | 7.3.0 |
xmlf90 | 1.5.4 |
xorg-macros | 1.19.2,1.19.3,1.20.1 |
xpdf | 4.04 |
xprop | 1.2.5,1.2.5 |
xtb | 6.5.1,6.6.0,6.6.1,6.7.1 |
xxd | 8.2.4220,9.0.1696 |
yaml-cpp | 0.7.0,0.7.0 |
ycga-public | 1.6.0,1.7.2,1.7.3,1.7.4,1.7.5,1.7.6,1.7.7 |
zlib | 1.2.11,1.2.11,1.2.11,1.2.12,1.2.12,1.2.13,1.3.1,1.3.1 |
zstd | 1.4.5,1.5.2,1.5.6 |
Package | Versions |
ACTC | 1.1,1.1 |
ADMIXTURE | 1.3.0 |
AFNI | 23.2.08,2022.1.14,2023.1.01,2023.1.07,24.1.22 |
ANTLR | 2.7.7 |
ANTs | 2.3.5 |
APBS |,3.4.1.Linux |
APR | 1.7.0,1.7.5 |
APR-util | 1.6.1,1.6.3 |
ASE | 3.22.1 |
ATK | 2.36.0,2.38.0 |
AUGUSTUS | 3.4.0 |
Abseil | 20230125.2 |
AdapterRemoval | 2.3.2 |
AlphaFold | 2.2.3,2.2.3,2.2.4,2.2.4,2.3.2,2.3.2,3.0.0 |
AmberTools | 23.6 |
Archive-Zip | 1.68,1.68 |
AreTomo | 1.3.4 |
AreTomo2 | 1.0.0 |
AreTomo3 | 2.0.6beta |
Armadillo | 10.2.1,11.4.3,11.4.3 |
Arrow | 0.17.1,0.17.1,6.0.0,11.0.0,14.0.1,16.1.0 |
Aspera-CLI | |
Aspera-Connect | |
AuthentiCT | 1.0.1 |
Autoconf | 2.69,2.71,2.72 |
Automake | 1.16.2,1.16.5,1.16.5 |
Autotools | 20200321,20220317,20231222 |
BBMap | 38.90 |
BCFtools | 1.11,1.16,1.21 |
BEDOPS | 2.4.41 |
BEDTools | 2.30.0 |
BGEN-enkre | 1.1.7 |
BLAST | 2.2.26 |
BLAST+ | 2.13.0,2.14.1,2.15.0 |
BLAT | 3.5,3.5 |
BLIS | 0.9.0,1.0 |
BLT | 20220626 |
BWA | 0.7.17,0.7.17,0.7.17 |
BamTools | 2.5.1,2.5.1,2.5.2 |
BaseSpaceCLI | 1.5.3 |
Bazel | 3.7.2,5.4.1,6.1.0,6.3.1 |
Beast | 2.6.3,2.6.3,2.6.7,2.7.4,2.7.6 |
BeautifulSoup | 4.11.1 |
Bio-DB-BigFile | 1.07,1.07 |
Bio-DB-HTS | 3.01,3.01 |
BioPP | 2.4.1 |
BioPerl | 1.7.8,1.7.8 |
Biopython | 1.78,1.79,1.81,1.83 |
Bismark | 0.24.0 |
Bison | 3.0.4,3.0.4,3.0.5,3.7.1,3.7.1,3.8.2,3.8.2,3.8.2 |
Blender | 4.0.1,4.2.1 |
Block | 1.5.3 |
Blosc | 1.21.0,1.21.3 |
Blosc2 | 2.8.0 |
Boost | 1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.74.0,1.81.0,1.81.0,1.81.0,1.83.0,1.85.0,1.86.0 |
Boost.MPI | 1.81.0,1.81.0 |
Boost.Python | 1.74.0,1.81.0 |
Boost.Python-NumPy | 1.74.0,1.81.0 |
Bowtie | 1.3.0,1.3.0,1.3.1 |
Bowtie2 |,2.4.2,2.4.2,2.5.1 |
Brotli | 1.0.9,1.0.9 |
Brunsli | 0.1 |
Bsoft | 2.1.4 |
CAMPARI | 4.0 |
CCP4 | 8.0.011,8.0.015 |
CD-HIT | 4.8.1 |
CDO | 2.2.2 |
CESM | 2.1.3,2.1.3 |
CESM-deps | 2,2 |
CFITSIO | 3.48,4.2.0 |
CGAL | 4.14.3,4.14.3,5.2,5.2.4,5.5.2 |
CLHEP |, |
CMake | 3.18.4,3.18.4,3.20.1,3.24.3,3.29.3 |
COMSOL | 5.2a,5.2a |
CONN | 22a |
CP2K | 8.1 |
CPPE | 0.3.1 |
CREST | 3.0.1,3.0.2 |
CTFFIND | 4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14,4.1.14 |
CUDA | 10.1.243,11.1.1,11.3.1,11.8.0,12.0.0,12.1.1,12.6.0 |
CUDAcore | 11.1.1,11.3.1 |
CUnit | 2.1 |
Cartopy | 0.20.3,0.22.0 |
Catch2 | 2.13.10 |
Cbc | 2.10.5 |
CellRanger | 3.0.2,6.1.2,7.0.0,7.0.1,7.1.0,7.2.0,8.0.1 |
CellRanger-ARC | 2.0.2 |
Cereal | 1.3.2,1.3.2 |
Cgl | 0.60.7 |
CharLS | 2.2.0,2.4.2 |
CheMPS2 | 1.8.12 |
Check | 0.15.2,0.15.2 |
Chimera | 1.16 |
ChimeraX | 1.6.1,1.7,1.8 |
Clang | 11.0.1,13.0.1,15.0.5,16.0.4,16.0.4 |
Clp | 1.17.8 |
Code-Server | 4.7.0,4.7.0,4.16.1,4.17.0 |
CoinUtils | 2.11.9 |
Compress-Raw-Zlib | 2.202,2.202 |
CoordgenLibs | 3.0.2 |
Coot | 0.9.7, |
CppUnit | 1.15.1 |
Cufflinks | 20190706 |
Cython | 0.29.22,3.0.8,3.0.10 |
Cytoscape | 3.9.1 |
DB | 18.1.40,18.1.40 |
DBD-mysql | 4.050,4.050 |
DB_File | 1.855 |
DBus | 1.13.18,1.15.2 |
DIAMOND | 2.0.15,2.1.7 |
DMTCP | 3.0.0,3.0.0 |
DSSP | 4.2.1,4.4.7 |
Dice | 20240101 |
Doxygen | 1.8.20,1.9.5 |
EDirect | 20.4.20230912,20.5.20231006,22.8.20241011 |
EIGENSOFT | 7.2.1 |
ELPA | 2020.11.001,2020.11.001,2021.11.001,2022.05.001 |
EMAN | 1.9 |
EMAN2 | 2.91,2.99.47 |
EMBOSS | 6.6.0 |
ESM-2 | 2.0.0 |
ESMF | 8.3.0,8.3.0 |
EasyBuild | 4.6.2,4.7.0,4.7.1,4.7.2,4.8.0,4.8.1,4.8.2,4.9.0,4.9.1,4.9.2,4.9.3 |
Eigen | 3.3.8,3.3.9,3.4.0,3.4.0,3.4.0 |
El-MAVEN | 0.12.1beta |
Emacs | 28.1,28.2 |
ExifTool | 12.58,12.70 |
Exodus | 20240403,20240403 |
FASTX-Toolkit | 0.0.14 |
FFTW | 2.1.5,2.1.5,2.1.5,2.1.5,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10 |
FFTW.MPI | 3.3.10,3.3.10,3.3.10 |
FFmpeg | 4.3.1,5.1.2 |
FHI-aims | 231212_1 |
FLAC | 1.3.3,1.4.2 |
FLASH | 2.2.00 |
FLTK | 1.3.5,1.3.8 |
FRE-NCtools | 2024.05 |
FSL |,, |
FTGL | 2.3,2.4.0 |
Faiss | 1.7.4 |
FastME | |
FastQC | 0.11.9,0.12.1 |
FastUniq | 1.1 |
Fiji | 2.14.0,20221201,20230801 |
Fiona | 1.9.2 |
Flask | 2.2.3 |
FlexiBLAS | 3.2.1,3.2.1,3.4.4 |
FragGeneScan | 1.31 |
FreeImage | 3.18.0,3.18.0 |
FreeSurfer | dev,dev,7.3.2,7.4.1 |
FreeXL | 2.0.0 |
FriBidi | 1.0.10,1.0.12 |
GATK | 3.8,,,,, |
GCC | 10.2.0,12.2.0,13.3.0 |
GCCcore | 7.3.0,10.2.0,12.2.0,13.3.0 |
GCTA | 1.94.1 |
GConf | 3.2.6 |
GDAL | 3.2.1,3.6.2 |
GDB | 10.1,13.2 |
GDCM | 3.0.21 |
GDRCopy | 2.1,2.3,2.3.1,2.4.1 |
GEOS | 3.9.1,3.11.1 |
GL2PS | 1.4.2,1.4.2 |
GLM | |
GLPK | 4.65,5.0 |
GLib | 2.66.1,2.75.0 |
GLibmm | 2.49.7 |
GMP | 6.2.0,6.2.1 |
GObject-Introspection | 1.66.1,1.66.1,1.74.0 |
GRASS | 8.2.0 |
GROMACS | 2021.5,2023.3 |
GSEA | 4.3.2 |
GSL | 2.5,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.7,2.7,2.7 |
GST-libav | 1.18.4,1.22.1 |
GST-plugins-bad | 1.22.5 |
GST-plugins-base | 1.18.4,1.18.4,1.22.1,1.22.1 |
GST-plugins-good | 1.18.4,1.22.1 |
GStreamer | 1.18.4,1.18.4,1.22.1,1.22.1 |
GTK+ | 3.24.23 |
GTK2 | 2.24.33 |
GTK3 | 3.24.35 |
GTK4 | 4.11.3 |
GTS | 0.7.6 |
Garfield++ | 5.0 |
Gaussian | 16,16 |
Gctf | 1.18,1.18 |
Gdk-Pixbuf | 2.40.0,2.40.0,2.42.10 |
Geant4 | 10.7.1 |
Geant4-data | 11.3 |
GenomeTools | 1.6.1 |
Ghostscript | 9.53.3,10.0.0 |
GitPython | 3.1.31 |
Globus-CLI | 3.18.0,3.30.1 |
GnuTLS | 3.7.8 |
Go | 1.17.6,1.21.1,1.21.4,1.22.1 |
Grace | 5.1.25 |
Gradle | 8.6 |
Graphene | 1.10.8 |
GraphicsMagick | 1.3.36 |
Graphviz | 2.47.0 |
Guile | 2.2.7,3.0.9,3.0.9 |
Gurobi | 9.1.2,10.0.3 |
HDF | 4.2.15,4.2.15 |
HDF5 | 1.10.7,1.10.7,1.10.7,1.10.7,1.14.0,1.14.0,1.14.0,1.14.0 |
HDFView | 3.3.1 |
HH-suite | 3.3.0,3.3.0,3.3.0 |
HISAT-3N | 20221013 |
HISAT2 | 2.2.1 |
HMMER | 3.3.2,3.3.2,3.4 |
HOOMD-blue | 4.9.1,4.9.1 |
HPCG | 3.1,3.1,3.1,3.1 |
HPL | 2.3,2.3,2.3,2.3 |
HTSeq | 0.13.5 |
HTSlib | 1.11,1.11,1.12,1.16,1.17,1.21 |
HarfBuzz | 2.6.7,5.3.1 |
Harminv | 1.4.1,1.4.2 |
HepMC3 | 3.2.6 |
Highway | 1.0.3 |
HyPhy | 2.5.62 |
Hypre | 2.20.0,2.27.0 |
ICU | 67.1,72.1,75.1 |
IDBA-UD | 1.1.3 |
IGV | 2.16.0,2.16.2,2.17.4,2.19.1 |
IMOD | 4.11.15,4.11.16,4.11.24_RHEL7,4.11.24,4.12.56_RHEL7,4.12.62_RHEL8 |
IOR | 4.0.0,4.0.0 |
IPython | 7.18.1,8.14.0 |
IQ-TREE | 2.1.2 |
ISA-L | 2.30.0 |
ISL | 0.23,0.26 |
ImageMagick | 7.0.10,7.1.0 |
Imath | 3.1.6 |
Infernal | 1.1.4 |
IsoNet | 0.2.1 |
JAGS | 4.3.0,4.3.2 |
Jansson | 2.14 |
JasPer | 2.0.24,4.0.0 |
Java | 1.8.345,8.345,11.0.16,17.0.4,21.0.2 |
JsonCpp | 1.9.4,1.9.5 |
Judy | 1.0.5,1.0.5 |
Julia | 1.8.2,1.8.5,1.9.2,1.10.0,1.10.2,1.10.4,1.11.1 |
Jupyter-bundle | 20230823 |
JupyterHub | 4.0.1 |
JupyterLab | 2.2.8,4.0.3 |
JupyterNotebook | 7.0.3 |
KaHIP | 3.14 |
Kalign | 3.3.1,3.4.0 |
Kent_tools | 411,461 |
Knitro | 12.0.0,14.0.0 |
Kraken2 | 2.1.3 |
LAME | 3.100,3.100 |
LAMMPS | 2Aug2023,23Jun2022 |
LDC | 0.17.6,1.25.1 |
LERC | 4.0.0 |
LHAPDF | 6.5.4 |
LLVM | 11.0.0,14.0.6,15.0.5,16.0.4 |
LMDB | 0.9.24,0.9.29 |
LSD2 | 2.2 |
LZO | 2.10,2.10 |
Leptonica | 1.83.0 |
LibSoup | 3.0.8 |
LibTIFF | 4.1.0,4.2.0,4.4.0 |
Libint | 2.6.0 |
LittleCMS | 2.11,2.14 |
Lua | 5.4.2,5.4.4 |
M4 | 1.4.17,1.4.18,1.4.18,1.4.18,1.4.19,1.4.19,1.4.19 |
MACS2 |,, |
MACS3 | 3.0.1 |
MAFFT | 7.475,7.505 |
MAGeCK | |
MATIO | 1.5.23 |
MATLAB | 2018b,2020b,2022a,2022b,2023a,2023b |
MCL | 14.137 |
MCR | R2019b.8,R2020b.5,R2021b.6,R2022a.6,R2023a |
MDI | 1.4.16 |
MEME | 5.4.1 |
METIS | 5.1.0,5.1.0,5.1.0 |
MINC | 2.4.06 |
MMseqs2 | 13,14 |
MPB | 1.11.1 |
MPC | 1.2.1,1.3.1 |
MPFR | 4.1.0,4.2.0 |
MPICH | 4.2.1 |
MRIcron | 1.0.20190902 |
MRtrix3 | 3.0.2 |
MUMPS | 5.3.5,5.6.1 |
MUMmer | 4.0.0rc1 |
MUSCLE | 5.1 |
MadGraph5_aMC | 2.9.16 |
MafFilter | 1.3.1 |
Mako | 1.1.3,1.2.4 |
MariaDB | 10.5.8,10.11.2 |
Markdown | 3.6 |
Mathematica | 13.0.1 |
Maven | 3.9.2 |
MaxBin | 2.2.7 |
MaxQuant |,, |
Meep | 1.24.0,1.26.0 |
Mercurial | 5.7.1 |
Mesa | 20.2.1,21.3.3,22.2.4 |
MeshLab | 2023.12 |
Meson | 0.55.3,0.62.1,0.64.0,1.3.1,1.4.0 |
Metal | 2020 |
MitoGraph | 3.0 |
Mono |, |
MotionCor2 | 1.5.0,1.6.4 |
MotionCor3 | 1.0.1 |
MrBayes | 3.2.6,3.2.7 |
MultiQC | 1.10.1 |
NAG | 29 |
NAMD | 2.14,2.14,2.14,2.14 |
NASM | 2.15.05,2.15.05 |
NBO | 7.0 |
NCCL | 2.8.3,2.8.4,2.10.3,2.16.2,2.16.2,2.16.2,2.18.3,2.23.4 |
NCO | 5.2.1,5.2.1 |
NECI | 20230620 |
NEdit | 5.7 |
NGS | 2.10.9 |
NIfTI | 2.0.0 |
NLopt | 2.6.2,2.6.2,2.7.0,2.7.1 |
NSPR | 4.29,4.35 |
NSS | 3.57,3.85 |
NVHPC | 21.11,21.11,23.1,24.9 |
Net-core | 3.1.101 |
NetLogo | 6.4.0 |
Netpbm | 10.86.41 |
Nextflow | 22.10.6,23.04.2,23.10.1,24.04.2,24.04.4 |
Ninja | 1.10.1,1.11.1,1.12.1 |
ORCA | 5.0.3,5.0.3,5.0.4,5.0.4,6.0.0,6.0.1 |
OSU-Micro-Benchmarks | 5.7,5.7,6.2,6.2 |
OligoArray | 2.1 |
OligoArrayAux | 3.8 |
OpenBLAS | 0.3.12,0.3.21,0.3.21,0.3.27 |
OpenBabel | 3.1.1 |
OpenCV | 4.5.1,4.8.0 |
OpenEXR | 2.5.5,3.1.5 |
OpenFOAM | v2012,v2206,v2212 |
OpenJPEG | 2.4.0,2.5.0 |
OpenLibm | 0.7.5 |
OpenMM | 7.5.0,7.5.1,7.5.1,7.5.1,7.7.0,8.0.0 |
OpenMPI | 4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.0.5,4.1.4,4.1.4,4.1.4 |
OpenPGM | 5.2.122,5.2.122 |
OpenSSL | 1.0,1.1,3 |
OpenSlide | 3.4.1 |
OpenSlide-Java | 0.12.4 |
OrthoFinder | 2.5.4 |
Osi | 0.108.8 |
PALEOMIX | 1.3.8 |
PAML | 4.10.7 |
PBZIP2 | 1.1.13 |
PCRE | 8.44,8.45 |
PCRE2 | 10.35,10.40 |
PDBFixer | 1.7 |
PEAR | 0.9.11 |
PEET | 1.15.0,1.16.0a |
PETSc | 3.15.0,3.17.4,3.20.3 |
PGI | 18.10,18.10 |
PIPseeker | 2.1.4 |
PLINK | 1.9b_6.21,2_avx2_20221024 |
PLUMED | 2.6.2,2.7.0,2.7.3,2.9.0,2.9.2 |
PMIx | 5.0.2 |
POV-Ray |, |
PRINSEQ | 0.20.4 |
PROJ | 7.2.1,9.1.1 |
PRRTE | 3.0.5 |
PYTHIA | 8.309 |
Pandoc | 2.13,3.1.2 |
Pango | 1.47.0,1.50.12 |
ParMETIS | 4.0.3 |
ParaView | 5.8.1,5.11.0 |
PartitionFinder | 2.1.1 |
Perl | 5.28.0,5.32.0,5.32.0,5.32.1,5.36.0,5.36.0,5.36.1,5.38.0,5.38.2 |
Perl-bundle-CPAN | 5.36.1 |
Phenix | 1.20.1,1.20.1 |
PhyloBayes | 4.1e |
Pillow | 8.0.1,9.4.0 |
Pillow-SIMD | 7.1.2,9.5.0 |
Pint | 0.22 |
PnetCDF | 1.12.2,1.12.3,1.13.0,1.13.0 |
PostgreSQL | 13.2,15.2 |
PuLP | 2.7.0 |
PyBLP | 1.1.0 |
PyBerny | 0.6.3 |
PyCairo | 1.24.0 |
PyCharm | 2022.3.2,2024.3.2 |
PyCheMPS2 | 1.8.12 |
PyGObject | 3.44.1 |
PyInstaller | 6.3.0 |
PyOpenGL | 3.1.5,3.1.6 |
PyQt5 | 5.15.4,5.15.7 |
PySCF | 2.4.0 |
PyTables | 3.5.2,3.8.0 |
PyTorch | 1.9.0,1.13.1,2.1.2,2.1.2 |
PyYAML | 5.3.1,6.0 |
PycURL | 7.45.2 |
Pylada-light | 2023Oct13 |
Pysam |,,,0.21.0 |
Python | 2.7.18,2.7.18,3.8.6,3.8.6,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.10.8,3.12.3 |
Python-bundle-PyPI | 2023.06,2024.06 |
QCA | 2.3.5 |
QScintilla | 2.11.6 |
QTLtools | 1.3.1 |
Qhull | 2020.2,2020.2 |
Qt5 | 5.14.2,5.15.7 |
Qt5Webkit | 5.212.0,5.212.0 |
QtKeychain | 0.13.2 |
QtPy | 2.3.0 |
Qtconsole | 5.4.0 |
QuPath | 0.5.0,0.5.1 |
QuantumESPRESSO | 6.8,7.0,7.2 |
Quip | 1.1.8,1.1.8,20171217 |
Qwt | 6.1.5,6.2.0 |
R | 4.2.0,4.2.0,4.3.2,4.3.2,4.4.1,4.4.1 |
R-INLA | 24.01.18 |
R-bundle-Bioconductor | 3.15,3.16,3.18,3.19 |
R-bundle-CRAN | 2023.12,2024.06 |
RDKit | 2022.09.5 |
RE2 | 2023 |
RECON | 1.08 |
RELION | 3.0.8,3.1.4,3.1.4,3.1.4,4.0.0,4.0.1,4.0.1,5beta,5beta,5.0.0 |
RELION-composite-masks | 5.0.0 |
RMBlast | 2.11.0 |
ROOT | 6.26.06,6.26.10 |
RSEM | 1.3.3 |
RStudio | 2022.07.2,2022.12.0,2024.04.2 |
RStudio-Server | 2024.04.1+748 |
RapidJSON | 1.1.0,1.1.0 |
Regenie | 4.0 |
RepeatMasker | 4.1.2 |
RepeatScout | 1.0.6 |
ResMap | 1.95 |
RevBayes | 1.1.1,1.2.1,1.2.2,1.2.2 |
Rivet | 3.1.9 |
Rmath | 4.0.4,4.4.1 |
Rosetta | 3.12 |
Ruby | 2.7.2,3.0.5,3.2.2 |
Rust | 1.52.1,1.65.0,1.70.0,1.75.0,1.78.0 |
SAMtools | 1.11,1.11,1.16,1.16.1,1.18,1.20,1.21 |
SAS | 9.4M8,9.4 |
SBGrid | 2.11.2 |
SCOTCH | 6.1.0,7.0.3 |
SCons | 4.0.1,4.5.2 |
SDL2 | 2.0.14,2.26.3 |
SHAPEIT | 2.r904.glibcv2.17 |
SHAPEIT4 | 4.2.2 |
SLEPc | 3.15.0,3.17.2 |
SMRT-Link |,12.0.0 |
SOCI | 4.0.3,4.0.3 |
SPAGeDi | 1.5d |
SPAdes | 3.15.1,3.15.5 |
SPM | 12.5_r7771 |
SQLite | 3.33.0,3.39.4,3.45.3 |
SRA-Toolkit | 2.10.9,3.0.10,3.1.1,3.1.1 |
STAR | 2.7.6a,2.7.7a,2.7.8a,2.7.9a,2.7.11a,2.7.11a |
STREAM | 5.10 |
SWIG | 4.0.2,4.1.1 |
Salmon | 1.4.0 |
Sambamba | 0.8.0 |
ScaFaCoS | 1.0.1,1.0.4 |
ScaLAPACK | 2.1.0,2.1.0,2.2.0,2.2.0,2.2.0 |
SciPy-bundle | 2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2020.11,2021.05,2023.02,2024.05 |
Seaborn | 0.12.2,0.13.2 |
Seq-Gen | 1.3.4 |
SeqKit | 2.3.1,2.8.1 |
Serf | 1.3.9,1.3.9 |
Shapely | 1.8.5.post1,2.0.1 |
Sherpa | 3.0.0 |
Slicer | 5.6.2 |
SpaceRanger | 2.1.1 |
Spark | 3.1.1,3.1.1,3.5.0,3.5.0,3.5.1,3.5.3,3.5.4 |
SpectrA | 1.0.0,1.0.1 |
Stacks | 2.59 |
Stata | 17 |
StringTie | 2.1.4 |
Subread | 2.0.3 |
Subversion | 1.14.0,1.14.3 |
SuiteSparse | 5.8.1,5.13.0 |
Summovie | 1.0.2 |
SuperLU_DIST | 8.1.2 |
Szip | 2.1.1,2.1.1 |
TOMO3D | 01 |
TOPAS | 3.9 |
TRF | 4.09.1 |
TRUST4 | 1.0.7 |
TWL-NINJA | 0.97 |
Tcl | 8.6.10,8.6.12,8.6.14 |
TensorFlow | 2.5.0,2.7.1,2.13.0,2.15.1 |
TensorRT | 8.6.1 |
Tk | 8.6.10,8.6.12 |
Tkinter | 3.8.6,3.10.8 |
TopHat | 2.1.2,2.1.2 |
TotalView | 2023.3.10 |
TreeMix | 1.13 |
Trilinos | 13.4.1 |
Trim_Galore | 0.6.7 |
Trimmomatic | 0.39 |
UCC | 1.1.0,1.3.0 |
UCC-CUDA | 1.1.0,1.1.0,1.3.0 |
UCX | 1.9.0,1.9.0,1.10.0,1.13.1,1.16.0 |
UCX-CUDA | 1.10.0,1.13.1,1.13.1,1.13.1,1.16.0 |
UDUNITS | 2.2.26,2.2.28 |
USEARCH | 11.0.667 |
UnZip | 6.0,6.0,6.0 |
Unblur | 1.0.2 |
VASP | 5.4.1,5.4.4,5.4.4,6.3.0,6.4.2 |
VASPsol | 5.4.1 |
VCFtools | 0.1.16 |
VDJtools | 1.2.1 |
VEP | 107,110,112,112.0 |
VESTA | 3.5.8 |
VMD | 1.9.4a57 |
VSCode | 1.95.3,1.96.2,1.96.4 |
VTK | 9.0.1,9.0.1,9.2.6 |
VTune | 2023.2.0 |
Valgrind | 3.16.1,3.21.0 |
ViennaRNA | 2.5.1 |
Vim | 9.0.1434 |
VisPy | 0.12.2 |
Voro++ | 0.4.6,0.4.6 |
WRF | 4.4.1 |
Wannier90 | 3.1.0,3.1.0 |
Wayland | 1.22.0 |
Waylandpp | 1.0.0 |
WebKitGTK+ | 2.40.4 |
X11 | 20201008,20221110 |
XCFun | 2.1.1 |
XGBoost | 2.1.1,2.1.1 |
XML-LibXML | 2.0206,2.0208 |
XMedCon | 0.25.0 |
XZ | 5.2.5,5.2.7,5.4.5 |
Xerces-C++ | 3.1.4,3.2.3,3.2.4 |
Xvfb | 1.20.9,21.1.6 |
YODA | 1.9.9 |
Yasm | 1.3.0,1.3.0 |
Z3 | 4.8.10,4.10.2,4.12.2,4.12.2 |
ZeroMQ | 4.3.3,4.3.4 |
Zip | 3.0,3.0 |
aiohttp | 3.8.5 |
alibuild | 1.17.11 |
angsd | 0.940 |
anndata | 0.10.5.post1 |
annovar | 2019Oct24,20200607 |
ant | 1.10.9,1.10.12,1.10.12 |
archspec | 0.1.2,0.2.0 |
aria2 | 1.35.0,1.36.0 |
arpack-ng | 3.8.0,3.8.0,3.8.0 |
arrow-R |,,,16.1.0 |
at-spi2-atk | 2.38.0,2.38.0 |
at-spi2-core | 2.38.0,2.46.0 |
attr | 2.4.48,2.5.1 |
attrdict3 | 2.0.2 |
awscli | 2.1.23,2.13.20,2.15.2 |
bases2Fastq | v1.5.1,v1.5.1,v2.0.0 |
bcl2fastq2 | 2.20.0,2.20.0 |
beagle-lib | 3.1.2,3.1.2,3.1.2,3.1.2,4.0.0,4.0.1 |
binutils | 2.28,2.30,2.30,2.35,2.35,2.39,2.39,2.40,2.42,2.42 |
biswebnode | 1.3.0 |
bokeh | 2.2.3,2.2.3,3.2.1 |
boto3 | 1.20.13,1.26.163 |
breseq | 0.35.5,0.38.0,0.38.1 |
bsddb3 | 6.2.9,6.2.9 |
bzip2 | 1.0.8,1.0.8,1.0.8 |
c-ares | 1.19.1 |
cURL | 7.55.1,7.72.0,7.86.0,7.86.0,8.7.1 |
cairo | 1.16.0,1.16.0,1.17.4 |
ccache | 4.6.3 |
cffi | 1.16.0 |
code-server | 4.91.1,4.95.3 |
configurable-http-proxy | 4.5.5 |
cppy | 1.2.1 |
cromwell | 86 |
cryptography | 41.0.1,42.0.8 |
cuDNN |,,,,, |
cuTENSOR |, |
cutadapt | 3.4 |
cxxopts | 3.0.0 |
cyrus-sasl | 2.1.28 |
dSQ | 1.05 |
dask | 2021.2.0,2021.2.0,2023.7.1 |
dbus-glib | 0.112 |
dcm2niix | 1.0.20211006,1.0.20230411 |
dedalus | 3.0.2 |
deepTools | 3.5.1,3.5.5 |
deml | 1.1.4 |
dftd4 | 3.4.0 |
dill | 0.3.7 |
dlib | 19.22,19.22,19.22 |
dorado | 0.5.3 |
dotNET-Core | 7.0.410 |
dotNET-SDK | 3.1.300 |
double-conversion | 3.1.5,3.2.1 |
dtcmp | 1.1.2,1.1.4 |
ecBuild | 3.8.0 |
ecCodes | 2.31.0 |
einops | 0.7.0 |
elbencho | 2.0,3.0 |
elfutils | 0.183,0.189 |
eman | |
enchant-2 | 2.3.3 |
ensmallen | 2.21.1,2.21.1 |
exiv2 | 0.27.5,0.28.0 |
expat | 2.2.5,2.2.9,2.4.9,2.6.2 |
expecttest | 0.1.3 |
fastjet | 3.4.0 |
fastjet-contrib | 1.049 |
fastp | 0.23.2 |
ffnvcodec | |
file | 5.39,5.43 |
flatbuffers | 1.12.0,23.1.4,23.5.26 |
flatbuffers-python | 1.12,2.0,23.1.4,23.5.26 |
flex | 2.6.3,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4 |
flit | 3.9.0,3.9.0 |
fmriprep | 23.1.0,23.1.4,23.2.1,24.1.0 |
fontconfig | 2.13.92,2.14.1 |
foss | 2020b,2022b,2024a |
fosscuda | 2020b |
freeglut | 3.2.1,3.4.0 |
freetype | 2.10.3,2.10.3,2.12.1 |
gc | 8.0.4,8.2.2,8.2.4 |
gcccuda | 2020b,2022b |
gcloud | 382.0.0,494.0.0 |
gettext |,0.21,0.21,0.21.1,0.21.1,0.22.5,0.22.5 |
gfbf | 2022b,2024a |
gflags | 2.2.2 |
giflib | 5.2.1,5.2.1 |
git | 2.28.0,2.30.0,2.38.1,2.45.1 |
git-lfs | 3.2.0,3.5.1 |
glew | 2.1.0,2.2.0 |
glib-networking | 2.72.1 |
glibc | 2.34 |
gmpy2 | 2.1.0b5,2.1.5 |
gmsh | 4.11.1,4.11.1 |
gnuplot | 5.4.1,5.4.6 |
gomkl | 2022b |
gompi | 2020b,2022b,2024a |
gompic | 2020b |
googletest | 1.10.0,1.12.1 |
gperf | 3.1,3.1 |
gperftools | 2.14 |
gpu_burn | 20231110 |
graphite2 | 1.3.14,1.3.14 |
groff | 1.22.4,1.22.4 |
grpcio | 1.59.3 |
gsutil | 4.42,5.10 |
gzip | 1.10,1.12,1.13 |
h5py | 3.1.0,3.1.0,3.2.1,3.8.0 |
hatchling | 1.18.0,1.24.2 |
help2man | 1.47.4,1.47.16,1.49.2,1.49.3 |
hiredis | 1.2.0 |
hmmlearn | 0.3.0 |
hunspell | 1.7.1 |
hwloc | 2.2.0,2.8.0,2.10.0 |
hypothesis | 5.41.2,5.41.5,6.1.1,6.68.2,6.103.1 |
iccifort | 2020.4.304 |
igraph | 0.9.5,0.10.4,0.10.4,0.10.6,0.10.6,0.10.10 |
iimkl | 2022b |
iimpi | 2020b,2022b,2024a |
imageio | 2.9.0,2.31.1 |
imgaug | 0.4.0 |
imkl | 2020.4.304,2020.4.304,2020.4.304,2022.2.1,2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
imkl-FFTW | 2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
impi | 2019.9.304,2021.7.1,2021.13.0 |
inih | 57 |
intel | 2020b,2022b,2024a |
intel-compilers | 2022.2.1,2024.2.0 |
intltool | 0.51.0,0.51.0 |
iomkl | 2020b,2022b |
iompi | 2020b,2022b |
jax | 0.2.19,0.3.25,0.4.25,0.4.25 |
jbigkit | 2.1,2.1 |
jemalloc | 5.2.1,5.3.0 |
json-c | 0.16 |
json-fortran | 8.3.0 |
jupyter-resource-usage | 1.0.0 |
jupyter-server | 2.7.0 |
jupyter-server-proxy | 3.2.2 |
jupyterlmod | 4.0.3 |
kallisto | 0.48.0 |
kim-api | 2.2.1,2.3.0 |
kineto | 0.4.0 |
leidenalg | 0.8.8,0.10.2 |
lftp | 4.9.2 |
libGDSII | 0.21 |
libGLU | 9.0.1,9.0.2 |
libGridXC | 0.9.6 |
libPSML | 1.1.10 |
libRmath | 4.1.0 |
libXp | 1.0.3 |
libaec | 1.0.6,1.0.6 |
libaio | 0.3.112,0.3.113 |
libarchive | 3.4.3,3.6.1,3.7.4 |
libavif | 0.11.1,0.11.1 |
libcerf | 1.14,2.3 |
libcifpp | 5.0.6,7.0.3 |
libcint | 5.5.0 |
libcircle | 0.3,0.3 |
libctl | 4.5.1 |
libdap | 3.20.11 |
libdeflate | 1.7,1.15 |
libdrm | 2.4.102,2.4.114 |
libepoxy | 1.5.4,1.5.10 |
libev | 4.33 |
libevent | 2.1.12,2.1.12,2.1.12 |
libexif | 0.6.24,0.6.24 |
libfabric | 1.11.0,1.16.1,1.21.0 |
libffi | 3.3,3.4.4,3.4.5 |
libgcrypt | 1.10.1 |
libgd | 2.3.0,2.3.1,2.3.3 |
libgdiplus | 6.1,6.1 |
libgeotiff | 1.6.0,1.7.1 |
libgit2 | 1.1.0,1.5.0 |
libglvnd | 1.3.2,1.6.0 |
libgpg-error | 1.46 |
libharu | 2.3.0 |
libiconv | 1.16,1.17,1.17 |
libidn | 1.41 |
libidn2 | 2.3.0,2.3.2 |
libjpeg-turbo | 2.0.5,2.1.4 |
libleidenalg | 0.11.1,0.11.1,0.11.1 |
libmcfp | 1.2.2,1.3.3 |
libnsl | 2.0.0 |
libogg | 1.3.4,1.3.5 |
libopus | 1.3.1 |
libpci | 3.7.0 |
libpciaccess | 0.16,0.17,0.18.1 |
libpng | 1.2.59,1.5.30,1.6.37,1.6.38 |
libpsl | 0.21.1 |
libreadline | 8.0,8.2,8.2 |
librsvg | 2.51.2 |
librttopo | 1.1.0 |
libsigc++ | 2.10.8 |
libsndfile | 1.0.28,1.2.0 |
libsodium | 1.0.18,1.0.18 |
libspatialindex | 1.9.3 |
libspatialite | 5.0.1 |
libtasn1 | 4.19.0 |
libtirpc | 1.3.1,1.3.3 |
libtool | 2.4.6,2.4.7,2.4.7 |
libunistring | 0.9.10,1.1,1.1 |
libunwind | 1.4.0,1.6.2 |
libvorbis | 1.3.7,1.3.7 |
libwebkitgtk-1.0 | |
libwebp | 1.1.0,1.3.1 |
libwpe | 1.14.1 |
libxc | 4.3.4,4.3.4,5.1.2,5.1.5,6.1.0,6.1.0 |
libxml++ | 2.40.1 |
libxml2 | 2.9.10,2.9.14,2.10.3,2.12.7 |
libxslt | 1.1.34,1.1.37 |
libxsmm | 1.16.1 |
libyaml | 0.2.5,0.2.5 |
libzip | 1.9.2 |
liftOver | 2023 |
loompy | 3.0.7 |
lpsolve | |
lwgrp | 1.0.3,1.0.5 |
lxml | 4.9.2 |
lz4 | 1.9.2,1.9.4,1.9.4 |
maeparser | 1.3.1 |
magma | 2.5.4,2.7.1,2.7.1 |
make | 4.3,4.3,4.4.1,4.4.1 |
makeinfo | 6.7,6.7,7.0.3 |
mapDamage | 2.2.1 |
matlab-proxy | 0.12.1,0.13.1,0.14.0,0.15.1,0.18.2,0.19.0 |
matplotlib | 3.3.3,3.3.3,3.3.3,3.7.0 |
maturin | 1.1.0,1.4.0,1.6.0 |
mctc-lib | 0.3.1 |
meson-python | 0.11.0,0.15.0,0.16.0 |
mfold_util | 4.7 |
mgltools | |
miniconda | 22.9.0,22.11.1,23.1.0,23.3.1,23.5.2,24.3.0,24.3.0,24.7.1,24.9.2 |
minimap2 | 2.22 |
minizip | 1.1 |
ml_dtypes | 0.3.1 |
mlpack | 4.3.0,4.3.0 |
mm-common | 1.0.4 |
mongolite | 20240424,20240424 |
morphosamplers | 0.0.10 |
motif | 2.3.8,2.3.8 |
mpi4py | 3.1.4 |
mpifileutils | 0.11.1,0.11.1 |
mrc | 1.3.6,1.3.13 |
mrcfile | 1.3.0,1.5.0 |
mstore | 0.2.0 |
muParser | 2.3.4 |
multicharge | 0.2.0 |
nanobind | 2.1.0 |
napari | 0.4.18 |
nbclassic | 1.0.0 |
ncbi-vdb | 2.10.9,3.0.10,3.1.1 |
ncdu | 1.18 |
ncompress | |
ncurses | 5.9,5.9,6.0,6.2,6.2,6.3,6.3,6.5,6.5 |
ncview | 2.1.8,2.1.8 |
nedit-ng | 2020.1 |
netCDF | 4.6.1,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.7.4,4.9.0,4.9.0,4.9.0 |
netCDF-C++ | 4.2 |
netCDF-C++4 | 4.3.1,4.3.1 |
netCDF-Fortran | 4.4.4,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.5.3,4.6.0,4.6.0,4.6.0 |
netcdf4-python | 1.6.3 |
nettle | 3.6,3.8.1 |
networkx | 2.5,2.5,2.5.1,3.0 |
nf-core | 2.14.1 |
nghttp2 | 1.48.0 |
nghttp3 | 0.6.0 |
ngtcp2 | 0.7.0 |
nlohmann_json | 3.11.2 |
nodejs | 12.19.0,18.12.1,20.11.1 |
nsync | 1.24.0,1.26.0 |
numactl | 2.0.13,2.0.16,2.0.18 |
numba | 0.58.1 |
nvofbf | 2023.01 |
nvompi | 2023.01 |
occt | 7.5.0p1,7.5.0p1 |
p11-kit | 0.24.1 |
p7zip | 17.04 |
pam-devel | 1.3.1 |
parallel | 20210322 |
parameterized | 0.9.0 |
patchelf | 0.12,0.17.2,0.18.0 |
phonopy | 2.27.0 |
phyx | 1.3 |
picard | 2.18.14,2.25.6 |
pigz | 2.6,2.7 |
pixman | 0.40.0,0.42.2 |
pkg-config | 0.29.2,0.29.2 |
pkgconf | 1.8.0,1.8.0,1.9.3,2.2.0 |
pkgconfig | 1.5.1,1.5.5 |
plotly.py | 4.14.3,5.13.1 |
pocl | 1.6,1.8,5.0 |
poetry | 1.5.1,1.7.1,1.8.3 |
poppler | 21.06.1,21.06.1,22.12.0 |
popt | 1.16 |
postgis | 3.4.2 |
printproto | 1.0.5 |
prompt-toolkit | 3.0.36 |
protobuf | 3.14.0,3.19.4,23.0 |
protobuf-python | 3.14.0,3.19.4,4.23.0 |
psycopg2 | 2.9.9 |
pugixml | 1.12.1 |
py-cpuinfo | 9.0.0 |
py3Dmol | 2.0.1.post1,2.1.0 |
pyFFTW | 0.13.1 |
pySCENIC | 0.12.1 |
pybind11 | 2.6.0,2.6.2,2.10.3,2.12.0,2.12.0 |
pydantic | 2.5.3 |
pyfaidx | |
pyproj | 3.5.0 |
pytest | 7.4.2 |
pytest-flakefinder | 1.1.0 |
pytest-rerunfailures | 12.0 |
pytest-shard | 0.1.2 |
pytest-workflow | 2.0.1 |
pytest-xdist | 2.3.0,3.3.1 |
python-igraph | 0.9.8,0.11.4 |
python-isal | 0.11.1 |
qrupdate | 1.1.2 |
rMATS-turbo | 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.2.0 |
rasterio | 1.3.8 |
re2c | 2.0.3,3.0 |
rpmrebuild | 2.16,2.18 |
ruamel.yaml | 0.17.21,0.17.21 |
samblaster | 0.1.26 |
scanpy | 1.9.8 |
scikit-build | 0.11.1,0.11.1,0.17.2,0.17.6 |
scikit-build-core | 0.9.3 |
scikit-image | 0.18.1,0.18.1,0.18.3,0.21.0 |
scikit-learn | 0.20.4,0.23.2,0.23.2,0.24.1,1.2.1 |
segemehl | 0.3.4 |
seqtk | 1.3 |
setuptools | 64.0.3 |
setuptools-rust | 1.9.0 |
shRNA | 0.1 |
siscone | 3.0.5 |
slurm-drmaa | 1.1.3 |
snakemake | 7.32.3 |
snappy | 1.1.8,1.1.9,1.1.10 |
sparsehash | 2.0.4 |
spglib-python | 2.0.2,2.3.1 |
statsmodels | 0.12.1,0.14.0 |
sympy | 1.7.1,1.12 |
t-SNE-CUDA | 3.0.1 |
tabix | 0.2.6 |
tbb | 2020.3,2021.9.0,2021.10.0,2021.13.0 |
tcsh | 6.22.03,6.24.07 |
tensorboard | 2.15.1 |
tesseract | 5.3.0,5.3.0 |
texlive | 20220321,20220321,20220321 |
time | 1.9 |
tmux | 3.4 |
topaz | 0.2.5, |
torchvision | 0.10.0,0.16.0 |
tqdm | 4.56.2,4.60.0,4.64.1 |
ttyd | 1.7.7 |
typing-extensions |,4.9.0 |
umap-learn | 0.5.3 |
unifdef | 2.12 |
unrar | 7.0.1 |
utf8proc | 2.5.0,2.8.0 |
util-linux | 2.36,2.38.1 |
virtualenv | 20.23.1,20.26.2 |
watershed-workflow | 1.4.0,1.4.0,1.5.0 |
wget | 1.20.3 |
wpebackend-fdo | 1.14.1 |
wrapt | 1.15.0 |
wxPython | 4.2.1 |
wxWidgets | 3.1.4,3.1.4,3.2.0, |
x264 | 20201026,20230226 |
x265 | 3.3,3.5 |
xarray | 2023.4.2,2023.4.2 |
xextproto | 7.3.0 |
xmlf90 | 1.5.4 |
xorg-macros | 1.19.2,1.19.3,1.20.1 |
xpdf | 4.04 |
xprop | 1.2.5,1.2.5 |
xtb | 6.5.1,6.6.0,6.6.1,6.7.1 |
xxd | 8.2.4220,9.0.1696 |
yaml-cpp | 0.7.0,0.7.0 |
ycga-public | 1.6.0,1.7.2,1.7.3,1.7.4,1.7.5,1.7.6,1.7.7 |
zlib | 1.2.11,1.2.11,1.2.11,1.2.12,1.2.12,1.2.13,1.3.1,1.3.1 |
zstd | 1.4.5,1.5.2,1.5.6 |
Package | Versions |
AFNI | 24.0.15,24.1.22,2023.1.07 |
ANTs | 2.3.5 |
ATK | 2.38.0 |
Armadillo | 10.2.1,11.4.3 |
Arrow | 11.0.0,14.0.1,16.1.0 |
Autoconf | 2.69,2.71 |
Automake | 1.16.2,1.16.5 |
Autotools | 20200321,20220317 |
BCFtools | 1.17 |
BLIS | 0.9.0 |
BWA | 0.7.17 |
BeautifulSoup | 4.11.1 |
Bison | 3.7.1,3.8.2,3.8.2 |
Boost | 1.74.0,1.74.0,1.81.0 |
Brotli | 1.0.9,1.0.9 |
Brunsli | 0.1 |
CFITSIO | 4.2.0 |
CMake | 3.18.4,3.20.1,3.24.3 |
CUDA | 11.1.1,12.0.0,12.1.1 |
CUDAcore | 11.1.1 |
CharLS | 2.4.2 |
Check | 0.15.2,0.15.2 |
DB | 18.1.40,18.1.40 |
DBus | 1.13.18,1.15.2 |
Doxygen | 1.8.20,1.9.5 |
EasyBuild | 4.9.0,4.9.1,4.9.2,4.9.3 |
Eigen | 3.3.8,3.3.9,3.4.0 |
Emacs | 28.2 |
FFTW | 3.3.8,3.3.8,3.3.10 |
FFTW.MPI | 3.3.10 |
FFmpeg | 4.3.1,5.1.2 |
FLAC | 1.3.3,1.4.2 |
FSL |,, |
FlexiBLAS | 3.2.1 |
FreeSurfer | |
FriBidi | 1.0.10,1.0.12 |
GATK | |
GCC | 10.2.0,12.2.0 |
GCCcore | 10.2.0,12.2.0 |
GDAL | 3.2.1,3.6.2 |
GDRCopy | 2.1,2.3,2.3.1 |
GEOS | 3.9.1,3.11.1 |
GLPK | 4.65,5.0 |
GLib | 2.66.1,2.75.0 |
GLibmm | 2.49.7 |
GMP | 6.2.0,6.2.1 |
GObject-Introspection | 1.66.1,1.74.0 |
GSL | 2.6,2.7 |
GST-plugins-bad | 1.22.5 |
GST-plugins-base | 1.22.1 |
GStreamer | 1.22.1 |
GTK3 | 3.24.35 |
GTK4 | 4.11.3 |
GTS | 0.7.6 |
Gdk-Pixbuf | 2.40.0,2.42.10 |
Ghostscript | 9.53.3,10.0.0 |
Globus-CLI | 3.30.1 |
Go | 1.17.6,1.21.2 |
Graphene | 1.10.8 |
Graphviz | 2.47.0 |
HDF | 4.2.15,4.2.15 |
HDF5 | 1.10.7,1.10.7,1.14.0 |
HTSlib | 1.17 |
HarfBuzz | 2.6.7,5.3.1 |
Highway | 1.0.3 |
Hypre | 2.20.0 |
ICU | 67.1,72.1 |
IPython | 8.14.0 |
ITK | 5.2.1 |
ImageMagick | 7.0.10,7.1.0 |
Imath | 3.1.6 |
JasPer | 2.0.24,4.0.0 |
Java | 11.0.16,17.0.4 |
LAME | 3.100,3.100 |
LDC | 1.24.0,1.35.0 |
LERC | 4.0.0 |
LLVM | 11.0.0,15.0.5 |
LibTIFF | 4.1.0,4.4.0 |
LittleCMS | 2.11,2.14 |
M4 | 1.4.18,1.4.19,1.4.19 |
MATLAB | 2022b,2023a |
MCR | R2019b.8,R2019b.9 |
METIS | 5.1.0 |
MPFR | 4.1.0,4.2.0 |
MUMPS | 5.3.5 |
Mako | 1.1.3,1.2.4 |
Mesa | 20.2.1,22.2.4 |
Meson | 0.55.3,0.64.0 |
NASM | 2.15.05,2.15.05 |
NLopt | 2.6.2,2.7.0,2.7.1 |
NSPR | 4.29 |
NSS | 3.57 |
Netpbm | 10.86.41 |
Nextflow | 24.04.2 |
Ninja | 1.10.1,1.11.1 |
OpenBLAS | 0.3.12,0.3.21 |
OpenCV | 4.8.0 |
OpenEXR | 3.1.5 |
OpenFace | 2.2.0 |
OpenJPEG | 2.5.0 |
OpenMPI | 4.0.5,4.0.5,4.1.4 |
OpenPGM | 5.2.122 |
OpenSSL | 1.1 |
PCRE | 8.44,8.45 |
PCRE2 | 10.35,10.40 |
PETSc | 3.15.0 |
PROJ | 7.2.1,9.1.1 |
Pango | 1.47.0,1.50.12 |
Perl | 5.32.0,5.32.0,5.36.0 |
Pillow | 9.4.0 |
PostgreSQL | 15.2 |
PyCairo | 1.24.0 |
PyGObject | 3.44.1 |
PyQt5 | 5.15.7 |
PyYAML | 6.0 |
Python | 2.7.18,3.8.6,3.10.8,3.10.8 |
Qhull | 2020.2 |
Qt5 | 5.14.2 |
Qwt | 6.1.5 |
R | 4.2.0,4.3.2,4.4.1 |
R-bundle-Bioconductor | 3.18,3.19 |
R-bundle-CRAN | 2023.12,2024.06 |
RE2 | 2023 |
RapidJSON | 1.1.0 |
Rust | 1.65.0 |
SAMtools | 1.20 |
SAS | 9.4M8,9.4 |
SCOTCH | 6.1.0 |
SDL2 | 2.26.3 |
SPM | 12.5_r7771 |
SQLite | 3.33.0,3.39.4 |
SWIG | 4.0.2 |
Sambamba | 1.0.1 |
ScaLAPACK | 2.1.0,2.1.0,2.2.0 |
SciPy-bundle | 2020.11,2020.11,2023.02 |
Slicer | 5.6.2 |
Spark | 3.5.1,3.5.3,3.5.4 |
SuiteSparse | 5.8.1 |
Szip | 2.1.1,2.1.1 |
Tcl | 8.6.10,8.6.12 |
Tk | 8.6.10,8.6.12 |
Tkinter | 3.10.8 |
UCC | 1.1.0 |
UCX | 1.9.0,1.9.0,1.13.1 |
UCX-CUDA | 1.13.1 |
UDUNITS | 2.2.26,2.2.28 |
UnZip | 6.0,6.0 |
VTK | 8.2.0,9.0.1,9.1.0 |
Wayland | 1.22.0 |
X11 | 20201008,20221110 |
XZ | 5.2.5,5.2.7 |
Xerces-C++ | 3.2.4 |
Xvfb | 1.20.9,21.1.6 |
Yasm | 1.3.0,1.3.0 |
ZeroMQ | 4.3.4 |
aiohttp | 3.8.5 |
annovar | 20200607 |
ant | 1.10.12 |
arpack-ng | 3.8.0,3.8.0 |
arrow-R |,16.1.0 |
at-spi2-atk | 2.38.0 |
at-spi2-core | 2.46.0 |
attr | 2.4.48 |
awscli | 2.13.20 |
binutils | 2.35,2.39,2.39 |
bzip2 | 1.0.8,1.0.8 |
cURL | 7.72.0,7.86.0 |
cairo | 1.16.0,1.17.4 |
cppy | 1.2.1 |
cuDNN | |
dcm2niix | 1.0.20230411 |
dlib | 19.22 |
double-conversion | 3.1.5 |
dtcmp | 1.1.2 |
elfutils | 0.189 |
expat | 2.2.9,2.4.9 |
ffnvcodec | |
flex | 2.6.4,2.6.4 |
fmriprep | 23.2.1 |
fontconfig | 2.13.92,2.14.1 |
foss | 2020b,2022b |
fosscuda | 2020b |
freeglut | 3.2.1,3.4.0 |
freetype | 2.10.3,2.12.1 |
gcccuda | 2020b |
gettext | 0.21,0.21.1,0.21.1 |
gfbf | 2022b |
giflib | 5.2.1 |
git | 2.28.0,2.38.1 |
git-lfs | 3.2.0 |
gompi | 2020b,2022b |
gompic | 2020b |
googletest | 1.12.1 |
gperf | 3.1,3.1 |
groff | 1.22.4,1.22.4 |
gzip | 1.10,1.12 |
h5py | 3.1.0 |
help2man | 1.47.16,1.49.2 |
hwloc | 2.2.0,2.8.0 |
hypothesis | 5.41.2,6.68.2 |
intltool | 0.51.0,0.51.0 |
jbigkit | 2.1,2.1 |
json-c | 0.16 |
libGLU | 9.0.1,9.0.2 |
libXp | 1.0.3 |
libarchive | 3.4.3,3.6.1 |
libcircle | 0.3 |
libdeflate | 1.15 |
libdrm | 2.4.102,2.4.114 |
libepoxy | 1.5.10 |
libevent | 2.1.12 |
libfabric | 1.11.0,1.16.1 |
libffi | 3.3,3.4.4 |
libgd | 2.3.0,2.3.1 |
libgeotiff | 1.6.0,1.7.1 |
libgit2 | 1.1.0,1.5.0 |
libglvnd | 1.3.2,1.6.0 |
libiconv | 1.16,1.17 |
libjpeg-turbo | 2.0.5,2.1.4 |
libogg | 1.3.4,1.3.5 |
libopus | 1.3.1 |
libpciaccess | 0.16,0.17 |
libpng | 1.2.59,1.6.37,1.6.38 |
libreadline | 6.2,8.0,8.2 |
libsigc++ | 2.10.8 |
libsndfile | 1.0.28,1.2.0 |
libsodium | 1.0.18 |
libtirpc | 1.3.1,1.3.3 |
libtool | 2.4.6,2.4.7 |
libunwind | 1.4.0,1.6.2 |
libvorbis | 1.3.7,1.3.7 |
libwebp | 1.3.1 |
libxml++ | 2.40.1 |
libxml2 | 2.9.10,2.10.3 |
libxslt | 1.1.34,1.1.37 |
libyaml | 0.2.5 |
lwgrp | 1.0.3 |
lxml | 4.9.2 |
lz4 | 1.9.2,1.9.4 |
make | 4.4.1 |
makeinfo | 6.7 |
matlab-proxy | 0.14.0,0.15.1 |
matplotlib | 3.7.0 |
miniconda | 23.5.2,24.3.0,24.7.1 |
mm-common | 1.0.4 |
motif | 2.3.8 |
mpi4py | 3.1.4 |
mpifileutils | 0.11.1 |
ncurses | 6.2,6.3,6.3 |
netCDF | 4.7.4,4.9.0 |
nettle | 3.6,3.8.1 |
networkx | 3.0 |
nlohmann_json | 3.11.2 |
nodejs | 20.11.1 |
numactl | 2.0.13,2.0.16 |
p7zip | 17.04 |
patchelf | 0.12,0.17.2 |
picard | 3.0.0 |
pigz | 2.7 |
pixman | 0.40.0,0.42.2 |
pkg-config | 0.29.2,0.29.2 |
pkgconf | 1.8.0,1.9.3 |
pkgconfig | 1.5.1 |
printproto | 1.0.5 |
pybind11 | 2.6.0,2.10.3 |
re2c | 2.0.3 |
ruamel.yaml | 0.17.21 |
samblaster | 0.1.26 |
scikit-build | 0.17.2 |
snappy | 1.1.8,1.1.9 |
tbb | 2021.10.0 |
tcsh | 6.24.07 |
utf8proc | 2.8.0 |
util-linux | 2.36,2.38.1 |
x264 | 20201026,20230226 |
x265 | 3.3,3.5 |
xextproto | 7.3.0 |
xorg-macros | 1.19.2,1.19.3 |
zlib | 1.2.11,1.2.12,1.2.12 |
zstd | 1.4.5,1.5.2 |
Package | Versions |
ATK | 2.38.0 |
Abseil | 20230125.2 |
Armadillo | 11.4.3 |
Arrow | 16.1.0 |
Autoconf | 2.69,2.71 |
Automake | 1.16.2,1.16.5 |
Autotools | 20200321,20220317 |
BLIS | 0.9.0 |
Bazel | 6.3.1 |
Bison | 3.7.1,3.8.2,3.8.2 |
Boost | 1.81.0 |
Brotli | 1.0.9 |
Brunsli | 0.1 |
CFITSIO | 4.2.0 |
CMake | 3.18.4,3.24.3 |
CUDA | 11.8.0,12.0.0,12.1.1,12.2.2 |
Clang | 16.0.4 |
Code-Server | 4.16.1 |
DB | 18.1.40,18.1.40 |
DBus | 1.15.2 |
Doxygen | 1.9.5 |
ELPA | 2022.05.001 |
EasyBuild | 4.8.2,4.9.0,4.9.1,4.9.2,4.9.3 |
Eigen | 3.4.0 |
Embree | 2.17.7,3.13.4 |
FFTW | 2.1.5,2.1.5,2.1.5,3.3.10,3.3.10 |
FFTW.MPI | 3.3.10 |
FFmpeg | 4.3.2,5.1.2 |
FLAC | 1.4.2 |
FlexiBLAS | 3.2.1,3.2.1 |
FreeImage | 3.18.0 |
FreeSurfer | 7.4.1 |
FriBidi | 1.0.12 |
GCC | 10.2.0,12.2.0 |
GCCcore | 10.2.0,12.2.0 |
GDAL | 3.6.2 |
GDRCopy | 2.3 |
GEOS | 3.11.1 |
GLFW | 3.3.8 |
GLPK | 5.0 |
GLib | 2.75.0 |
GMP | 6.2.1 |
GObject-Introspection | 1.74.0 |
GROMACS | 2023.3 |
GSL | 2.6,2.7 |
GST-libav | 1.22.1 |
GST-plugins-bad | 1.22.5 |
GST-plugins-base | 1.22.1 |
GST-plugins-good | 1.22.1 |
GStreamer | 1.22.1 |
GTK3 | 3.24.35 |
GTK4 | 4.11.3 |
Gaussian | 16 |
Gdk-Pixbuf | 2.42.10 |
Ghostscript | 10.0.0 |
Go | 1.17.6,1.21.4 |
Graphene | 1.10.8 |
HDF | 4.2.15 |
HDF5 | 1.10.7,1.14.0,1.14.0 |
HarfBuzz | 2.8.2,5.3.1 |
Highway | 1.0.3 |
ICU | 72.1 |
ImageMagick | 7.1.0 |
Imath | 3.1.6 |
JasPer | 2.0.33,4.0.0 |
Java | 11.0.16 |
JsonCpp | 1.9.5 |
Julia | 1.9.3 |
LAME | 3.100 |
LAMMPS | 23Jun2022 |
LERC | 4.0.0 |
LLVM | 15.0.5 |
LibTIFF | 4.4.0 |
LittleCMS | 2.14 |
M4 | 1.4.18,1.4.19,1.4.19 |
MATLAB | 2023a,2023b |
MPC | 1.3.1 |
MPFR | 4.2.0 |
Mako | 1.2.4 |
Mesa | 22.2.4 |
Meson | 0.64.0 |
NASM | 2.15.05 |
NCCL | 2.16.2 |
NLopt | 2.7.1 |
NSPR | 4.35 |
NSS | 3.85 |
NVHPC | 23.1 |
Ninja | 1.11.1 |
OpenBLAS | 0.3.21,0.3.21 |
OpenCV | 4.5.5,4.8.0 |
OpenEXR | 3.1.5 |
OpenJPEG | 2.5.0 |
OpenMPI | 4.0.5,4.1.4,4.1.4 |
OpenSSL | 1.1 |
OpenSlide | 3.4.1 |
PCRE | 8.45 |
PCRE2 | 10.40 |
PLUMED | 2.9.0 |
PROJ | 9.1.1 |
Pango | 1.50.12 |
Perl | 5.32.0,5.32.0,5.36.0 |
Pillow | 9.4.0 |
Pillow-SIMD | 9.5.0 |
PostgreSQL | 15.2 |
PyCairo | 1.24.0 |
PyGObject | 3.44.1 |
PyTorch | 2.0.1,2.0.1,2.1.2,2.1.2,2.3.0a0 |
PyYAML | 6.0 |
Python | 2.7.18,3.10.8,3.10.8 |
Qhull | 2020.2 |
Qt5 | 5.15.7 |
Qt5Webkit | 5.212.0 |
QuantumESPRESSO | 7.2 |
R | 4.3.0,4.4.1 |
R-bundle-Bioconductor | 3.19 |
R-bundle-CRAN | 2024.06 |
RE2 | 2023 |
RapidJSON | 1.1.0 |
Ruby | 3.0.4,3.0.5,3.2.2 |
Rust | 1.65.0 |
SDL2 | 2.26.3 |
SQLite | 3.39.4 |
ScaFaCoS | 1.0.4 |
ScaLAPACK | 2.2.0 |
SciPy-bundle | 2023.02 |
Szip | 2.1.1,2.1.1 |
Tcl | 8.6.12 |
TensorFlow | 2.13.0 |
Tk | 8.6.12 |
Tkinter | 3.10.8 |
UCC | 1.1.0 |
UCC-CUDA | 1.1.0 |
UCX | 1.9.0,1.13.1 |
UCX-CUDA | 1.13.1,1.13.1,1.13.1 |
UDUNITS | 2.2.28 |
UnZip | 6.0 |
VTK | 9.2.6 |
Voro++ | 0.4.6 |
Wayland | 1.22.0 |
X11 | 20221110 |
XZ | 5.2.5,5.2.7 |
Xerces-C++ | 3.2.3,3.2.4 |
Xvfb | 21.1.6 |
Yasm | 1.3.0 |
Z3 | 4.12.2,4.12.2 |
Zip | 3.0 |
aiohttp | 3.8.5 |
ant | 1.10.12 |
archspec | 0.2.0 |
arpack-ng | 3.8.0 |
arrow-R | 16.1.0 |
assimp | 5.2.5 |
at-spi2-atk | 2.38.0 |
at-spi2-core | 2.46.0 |
awscli | 2.13.20 |
binutils | 2.35,2.35,2.39,2.39 |
bzip2 | 1.0.8,1.0.8 |
cURL | 7.72.0,7.86.0 |
cairo | 1.17.4 |
cppy | 1.2.1 |
cuDNN |,,, |
dSQ | 1.05 |
dill | 0.3.7 |
double-conversion | 3.2.1 |
elfutils | 0.189 |
expat | 2.2.9,2.4.9 |
expecttest | 0.1.3 |
ffnvcodec | |
flatbuffers | 23.1.4 |
flatbuffers-python | 23.1.4 |
flex | 2.6.4,2.6.4,2.6.4 |
fontconfig | 2.14.1 |
foss | 2022b |
freetype | 2.12.1 |
gettext | 0.21,0.21.1,0.21.1 |
gfbf | 2022b |
giflib | 5.2.1 |
git | 2.38.1 |
git-lfs | 3.2.0 |
glew | 2.2.0 |
gmpy2 | 2.1.5 |
gompi | 2020b,2022b |
googletest | 1.12.1 |
gperf | 3.1 |
gpu_burn | 20231110 |
graphite2 | 1.3.14 |
groff | 1.22.4,1.22.4 |
gzip | 1.12 |
h5py | 3.8.0 |
help2man | 1.47.16,1.49.2 |
hwloc | 2.2.0,2.8.0 |
hypothesis | 6.68.2 |
iimpi | 2022b |
imkl | 2022.2.1 |
imkl-FFTW | 2022.2.1 |
impi | 2021.7.1 |
intel | 2022b |
intel-compilers | 2022.2.1 |
intltool | 0.51.0 |
iomkl | 2022b |
jbigkit | 2.1 |
json-c | 0.16 |
kim-api | 2.3.0 |
kineto | 0.4.0 |
libGLU | 9.0.2 |
libarchive | 3.4.3,3.6.1 |
libdeflate | 1.15 |
libdrm | 2.4.114 |
libepoxy | 1.5.10 |
libevent | 2.1.12 |
libfabric | 1.11.0,1.16.1 |
libffi | 3.4.4 |
libgeotiff | 1.7.1 |
libgit2 | 1.5.0 |
libglvnd | 1.6.0 |
libiconv | 1.17 |
libjpeg-turbo | 2.1.4 |
libogg | 1.3.5 |
libopus | 1.3.1 |
libpciaccess | 0.16,0.17 |
libpng | 1.6.38 |
libreadline | 8.0,8.2 |
libsndfile | 1.2.0 |
libtirpc | 1.3.3 |
libtool | 2.4.6,2.4.7 |
libunwind | 1.6.2 |
libvorbis | 1.3.7 |
libwebp | 1.3.1 |
libxc | 6.1.0 |
libxml2 | 2.9.10,2.10.3 |
libxslt | 1.1.37 |
libyaml | 0.2.5 |
lz4 | 1.9.4 |
magma | 2.7.2,2.7.2 |
make | 4.3 |
makeinfo | 6.7 |
matlab-proxy | 0.14.0,0.15.1 |
matplotlib | 3.7.0 |
miniconda | 23.5.2,24.3.0 |
mpi4py | 3.1.4 |
ncurses | 6.2,6.2,6.3,6.3 |
netCDF | 4.9.0 |
nettle | 3.8.1 |
networkx | 2.8.8,3.0 |
nlohmann_json | 3.11.2 |
nodejs | 14.21.3,18.12.1,20.11.1 |
nsync | 1.26.0 |
numactl | 2.0.13,2.0.16 |
openslide-python | 1.3.1 |
patchelf | 0.17.2 |
pigz | 2.7 |
pixman | 0.42.2 |
pkg-config | 0.29.2,0.29.2 |
pkgconf | 1.8.0,1.9.3 |
pkgconfig | 1.5.5 |
protobuf | 3.19.4,23.0 |
protobuf-python | 3.19.4,4.23.0 |
pybind11 | 2.10.3 |
pytest-flakefinder | 1.1.0 |
pytest-rerunfailures | 12.0 |
pytest-shard | 0.1.2 |
re2c | 3.0 |
ruamel.yaml | 0.17.21 |
scikit-build | 0.17.2 |
snappy | 1.1.9 |
sympy | 1.12 |
tbb | 2021.10.0 |
torchvision | 0.15.2,0.15.2,0.16.2,0.16.2,0.18.0a0 |
utf8proc | 2.8.0 |
util-linux | 2.38.1 |
x264 | 20230226 |
x265 | 3.5 |
xorg-macros | 1.19.2,1.19.3 |
xxd | 9.0.1696 |
zlib | 1.2.11,1.2.11,1.2.12,1.2.12 |
zstd | 1.5.2 |
Find Modules
All Available Modules
To list all available modules, run:
module avail
Search For Modules
You can search for modules or extensions with spider
and avail
. For example, to find and list all Python version 3 modules, run:
module avail python/3
To find any module or extension that mentions python in its name or description, use the command:
module spider python
Get Module Help
You can get a brief description of a module and the url to the software's homepage by running:
module help modulename/version
If you don't find a commonly used software package you require, contact us with a software installation request. Otherwise, check out our installation guides to install it for yourself.
Load and Unload Modules
The module load
command modifies your environment so you can use the specified software package(s).
- This command is case-sensitive to module names.
- The
module load
command will load dependencies as needed, you don't need to load them separately. - For batch jobs, add
module load
command(s) to your submission script.
For example, to load Python
version 3.8.6
and BLAST+
version 2.11.0
, find modules with matching toolchain suffixes and run the command:
module load Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.2.0 BLAST+/2.11.0-GCCcore-10.2.0
Lmod will add python
and the BLAST commands to your environment. Since both of these modules were built with the GCCcore/10.2.0
toolchain module, they will not load conflicting libraries. Recall you can see the other modules that were loaded by running module list
Module Defaults
As new versions of software get installed and others are deprecated, the default module version can change over time. It is best practice to note the specific module versions you are using for a project and load those explicitly, e.g. module load Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.2.0
not module load Python
. This makes your work more reproducible and less likely to change unexpectedly in the future.
You can also unload a specific module that you've previously loaded:
module unload R
Or unload all modules at once with:
module reset
Purge Lightly
We used to recommend module purge
instead of module reset
for module unloading. However, module purge
is slower and also prints a deceptive warning about a 'sticky' module called StdEnv
that these commands leave loaded. Avoid unloading StdEnv
unless explicitly told to do so, otherwise you will lose some important setup for the cluster you are on.
Module Collections
Save Collections
It can be a pain to enter a long list of modules every time you return to a project. Module collections allow you to create sets of modules to load together. This method is particularly useful if you have two or more module sets that may conflict with one another.
Save a collection of modules by first loading all the modules you want to save together then run:
module save environment_name
(replace environment_name
with something more meaningful to you)
Restore Collections
Load a collection with module restore
module restore environment_name
To modify a collection: restore
it, make the desired changes by load
ing and/or unload
ing modules, then save
it to the same name.
List Collections
To get a list of your collections, run:
module savelist
: A Convinient Tool
Lmod provides a convinient tool called ml
to simplify all of the module commands.
List Module Loaded
Load Modules
ml Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.2.0
Unload Modules
ml -Python
With moudle
can be used to replace the module
command. It can take all the sub-commands from module
and works the same way as module
ml load Python R
ml unload Python
ml spider Python
ml avail
ml whatis Python
ml key Python
ml purge
ml save test
ml restore test
Environment Variables
To refer to the directory where the software from a module is stored, you can use the environment variable $EBROOTMODULENAME
where MODULENAME is the name of the module in all caps with no spaces. This can be useful for finding the executables, libraries, or readme files that are included with the software:
[netid@node ~ ]$ module load SAMtools
[netid@node ~ ]$ echo $EBVERSIONSAMTOOLS
[netid@node ~ ]$ ls $EBROOTSAMTOOLS
bin easybuild include lib lib64 share
[netid@node ~ ]$ ls $EBROOTSAMTOOLS/bin
ace2sam maq2sam-short psl2sam.pl soap2sam.pl
blast2sam.pl md5fa r2plot.lua vcfutils.lua
bowtie2sam.pl md5sum-lite sam2vcf.pl wgsim
export2sam.pl novo2sam.pl samtools wgsim_eval.pl
interpolate_sam.pl plot-ampliconstats samtools.pl zoom2sam.pl
maq2sam-long plot-bamstats seq_cache_populate.pl
Further Reading
You can view documentation while on the cluster using the command:
man module
There is even more information at the official Lmod website and related documentation.